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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Antifa justice warriors or fascist bullies

Antifa justice warriors or fascist bullies
Reverend.Dr.Robert Fraize

some of you may be wondering just who in the fuck are Antifa?
Antifaschistische Aktion, Antifascistische Aktie or Antifascistisk Aktion — abbreviated as Antifa (German/Dutch) or AFA (Scandinavian) — is a militant extra-parliamentary network in Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and other countries, whose stated goal is to "smash fascism in all its forms".

they claim to be a militant style group of people who smash fascism in all of its forms and by smash the mean with force.
what is fascism?
[fash-iz-uh m]

(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
(sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
(initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43. 
Antifa claim that they are a militant style group and often dress militant.
they dictate to people who is or who is not a fascist or a nazi with little to no actual research.
Not only do they single out individuals, and groups,  by calling them fascists,  Nazis or what ever other trigger words they use to motivate their followers,they have on many occasions used threats of physical violence and on many times used physical violence ,to suppress opposition,criticism,commerce and the opinions and views of others.

Antifa most certainly do fit the definition of fascists and I personally despise all forms of facism no matter the reason behind it.
Antifa have physically attacked females


how tough must these fascist thugs be to attack a female reporter?
this is just one incident of a member of Antifa showing their true colors which are yellow.
The sad part is that the dictators of Antifa target teenagers to join their fascist cause,and it is these teenagers who go out and commit acts of terror on innocent people who are practicing their rights.
I understand this world is a cruel hateful place and that is the reality of things,and kids want to pick up a fight against the evil of this world but in the process become a monster them selves and the very thing that they are fighting against.
Before you sit back and offer up your support  to Antifa,ask your self if you are willing to become a fascist bully just to fight against what the dictators of antifa say are nazis and fascists,or are you better off directing your anger towards the real tyranny?

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Marduk the god of zionism

Marduk The God of Zionism
Reverend.Dr.Robert Fraize

This article deals with controversial issues and although these issues and the subject of the article could appear to be antisemitic they are not intended to be.
If you believe that this book and its author is antisemitic you must also call the thousands of rabbis who oppose Zionism antisemitic as well.
This book is the first book ever written exposing by name the god of Zionism and the desires of this god and his followers.

Chapter one the Solar deity Marduk

This chapter explains who Marduk is where he came from and his relationship to human beings.
Marduk Is not Satan and he is not a demon this is disinformation that has been passed on to us by supporters of Zionism.
Marduk is one of the most complex gods in ancient Mesopotamia and the short contribution here cannot do justice to this important deity. A comprehensive, monographic treatment of Marduk is still lacking (for now see Sommerfeld 1982, which excludes evidence from the first millennium BCE; also see Oshima 2011, who focuses on Akkadian prayers to Marduk).
Marduk's origins and original functions are obscure. He is associated with incantations already in the Old Babylonian period (Sommerfeld 1987-90: 368). Whether this was the reason for or result of a syncretism with the god Asalluhi is unclear (Sommerfeld 1982: 13-18). More recently Sommerfeld (1987-90: 368) cautiously indicated that his function as a god of incantations may have been original to Marduk. A different suggestion holds that Marduk was deliberately syncretised with Asalluhi in order to give Marduk a strong association with the city of Eridu and the god Enki/Ea, a powerful deity who did not belong to the original pantheon of Nippur (Abusch 1999: 543-4).At the same time Marduk is mainly known as the patron god of the city of Babylon, and it has often been suggested that Marduk's religious importance increased with the city's growing political influence (e.g., George 1992: 248-9; Oshima 2007: 348). In the first millennium, Marduk is identified with Jupiter (Abusch 1999: 542).
One of the best-known literary texts from ancient Mesopotamia describes Marduk's dramatic rise to power: Assyriologists refer to this composition by its ancient title Enūma eliš, Akkadian for "When on high" (for recent translations see Foster 2005: 436-86;Lambert 2008: 37-59). It is often called "The Babylonian Epic of Creation," which is rather a misnomer as the main focus of the story is the elevation of Marduk to the head of the pantheon, for which the creation story is only a vehicle (Michalowski 1990; Katz 2011). In this narrative, the god Marduk battles the goddess who is also known as the first incarnation of Satan and her name is Tiamat, often seen to represent a female principle, whereas Marduk stands for the male principle. Marduk is victorious, kills Tiamat, and creates the world from her body. It was also written in the Enuma Elish that Marduk created human beings to take on the jobs of the god's Marduk created humans to be slaves.
In gratitude the other gods then bestow 50 names upon Marduk and select him to be their head. The number 50 is significant, because it was previously associated with the god Enlil, the former head of the pantheon, who was now replaced by Marduk. This replacement of Enlil is already foreshadowed in the prologue to the famous Code of Hammurabi, a collection of "laws," issued by Hammurabi (r. 1792-1750 BCE), the most famous king of the first dynasty of Babylon. In the prologue, Hammurabi mentions that the gods Anu and Enlil determined for Marduk to receive the "Enlil-ship" (stewardship) of all the people, and with this elevated him into the highest echelons of the Mesopotamian pantheon.
Another important literary text offers a different perspective on Marduk. The composition, one of the most intricate literary texts from ancient Mesopotamia, is often classified as "wisdom literature," and ill-defined and problematic category of Akkadian literature (van Dijk 1953; Lambert 1996 [1960]; Buccellati 1981; Denning Bolle 1992; various contributions in Clifford 2007). Assyriologists refer to this poem as Ludlul bēl nēmeqi "Let me praise the Lord of Wisdom," after its first line, or alternatively as "The Poem of the Righteous Sufferer" (Foster 2005: 392-409; also see the more recent but problematic edition by Annus and Lenzi 2010). The literary composition, which consists of four tablets of 120 lines each, begins with a 40-line hymnic praise of Marduk, in which his dual nature is described in complex poetic wording: Marduk is powerful, both good and evil, just as he can help humanity, he can also destroy people. The story then launches into a first-person narrative, in which the hero tells us of his continued misfortunes. It is this element that has often been compared to the Biblical story of Job. In the end the sufferer is saved by Marduk and ends the poem by praising the god once more. In contrast to Enūma eliš, the "Poem of the Righteous Sufferer" offers insights into personal relationships with Marduk. The highly complicated structure and unusual poetic language make this poem part of an elite and learned discourse.Some scholars have described Marduk as a storm god or a god of vegetation (Abusch 1999: 544 with reference to Thorkild Jacobsen). There is no evidence for this assumption, other than highly problematical etymological speculations


Divine Genealogy and Syncretisms
Marduk was already syncretised with the gods Asalluhi(Sommerfeld 1987-90: 362;Richter 2004: 14-15) and Tutu (the patron deity of the city of Borsippa) (Sommerfeld 1982: 37) in the Old Babylonian period, although in some Old Babylonian sources Asalluhi and Marduk were still understood as separate deities (Richter 2004: 15 and n.57). Thesyncretism with Asalluhi is mentioned in a Sumerian literary letter to the goddess Ninisinna (Brisch 2007: 142-56),
Marduk's wife was the goddess Ṣarpanitum (Sommerfeld 1987-90: 362). The god Nabu, who was first Marduk's minister, later became identified as his son and then became his co-regent at the helm of the Babylonian pantheon.

Time Periods Attested

It is unclear whether Marduk is already attested in the Early Dynastic period (Sommerfeld 1987-90: 363). While some scholars have suggested that the divine name on an Early Dynastic inscription should be read dAMAR.UD (Lambert 1984: 8; Oshima 2007: 356 n.2), Sommerfeld (1982: 19-21;1987-90: 362-3): has argued that it should be read dAMAR.DÙG and therefore cannot (or only tentatively) be identified with Marduk.
The Old Babylonian period offers more evidence for Marduk's growing popularity (Sommerfeld 1982), which remains restricted to northern and middle Babylonia (the evidence for his cult in southern Babylonian is rather meagre). Because the Old Babylonian archives from the city of Babylon are still largely unpublished (see Pedersen's [2005] catalogue of texts from Babylon), the beginnings of Marduk's unprecedented rise to power in the capital of Hammurabi's empire are still poorly understood and will have to await further studies.
In the second half of the second millennium BCE, Marduk was often invoked by rulers of the Kassite dynasty, who had made Babylon their capital (Sommerfeld 1987-90: 265). With the Elamite invasion of Babylonia, which ended the Kassite dynasty, the divine statue of Marduk was abducted to Elam (Iran) together with other Babylonian cultural goods. It was not until Nebuchadnezzar I of the Second Dynasty of Isin that Marduk's statue could be retrieved and returned to Babylon in triumph. The "Babylonian Epic of Creation" (see above) was probably either composed or at least popularised during this period.
Due to tensions between Assyria and Babylonia during the Neo-Assyrian period, Marduk's cult and the city of Babylon often became the focus of Assyrian kings, both in positive and negative ways. It was not until the Neo-Babylonian period that Babylon and Marduk were at the apex: Nebukadnezzar II (r. 604-562 BCE) rebuilt the city of Babylon and with it the sacred district of Babylon. Most of the renowned architecture that was excavated in Babylon, such as the famous Ištar Gate with the glazed brick reliefs showing the symbol animals of Ištar and Marduk, dates to this period.


The early iconography of Marduk is unclear due to lack of sources. Already in the Old Babylonian period, the spade became Marduk's symbol (Rittig 1987-90: 372). The animal that often represents Marduk is the mušḫuššu, the "snake-dragon," which is frequently represented on the glazed brick reliefs from Babylon. There are very few anthropomorphic depictions of Marduk, most of them can be found on cylinder seals.

Name and Spellings

The etymology of Marduk's name is controversial (Sommerfeld 1987-90: 361-2). It is difficult to determine whether the logographic writing of his namedAMAR.UD, Sumerian for "calf of the sun/sun-god," is in any way significant or not (Lambert 1984: 7-8;Sommerfeld 1987-90: 361-2). The suggestion to translate this spelling as "calf of the storm" (Abusch 1999: 543) should probably be rejected as there is no evidence for Marduk originally having been a storm god nor is there evidence for his association with the storm godIškur/Adad(see above).

Did you know that Marduk also became known as Merodach (Marduk) as also known as Bel-Marduk (Lord) when he took the position of the head of the Babylonian pantheon.
In Deuteronomy 12.31, 18.10–13; 2 Kings 21.6; Ezekiel 20.26,31; 23.37 there are references to “passing children through fire lmlk”.
mlk translates to melek or “king”.
W. H. D. Rouse:
the Greeks were as firmly convinced as many modern Bible-readers that the Semites, or the Orientals generally, worshiped a god called Baal or Bel, the truth of course being that ba’al is a Semitic word for lord or master, and so applies to a multitude of gods. This “Bel,” then, being an important deity, must be the sun, the more so as some of the gods bearing that title may have been really solar.”
Zondervan’s Pictorial Bible Dictionary (1976):
“At first the name Baal was used by the Jews for their God without discrimination, but as the struggle between the two religions developed, the name Baal was given up in Judaism as a thing of shame, and even names like Jerubbaal were changed to Jerubbesheth: Hebrew bosheth means “shame”.
W. Robertson Smith and George F. Moore:
“That Baal was primarily a sun-god was for a long time almost a dogma among scholars and is still often repeated. This doctrine is connected with theories of the origin of religion which are now almost universally abandoned. The worship of the heavenly bodies is not the beginning of religion. Moreover, there was not, as this theory assumes, one god Baal, worshiped under different forms and names by the Semitic people’s, but a multitude of local Baals, each the inhabitant of his own place, the protector and benefactor of those who worshiped him there. Even in the astro-theology of the Babylonians the star of Bēl was not the sun : it was the planet Jupiter. There is no intimation in the OT that any of the Canaanite Baals were sun-gods, or that the worship of the sun (Shemesh), of which we have ample evidence, both early and late, was connected with that of the Baals ; in 2 K. 235 cp 11 the cults are treated as distinct.”
Báʿal is Standard Hebrew
The Mesopotamia Akkadian direct translation is: Bēl
Thus the connection between Bel-Marduk/Moloch (Ba’al)/Milcom is that they are one and the same.
Otto Eissfelt discovered inscriptions with the word mlk while excavating in Carthage. Discovered was a sanctuary to the goddess Tanit, a consort of Baal, comprising of a cemetery with thousands of burned bodies of human infants, dating from the 8th century BC to the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC.
Jeremiah 7.31:”At Topheth in Hinnom Valley you have built altars where you kill your children and burn them as sacrifices to other gods. I would never think of telling you to do this.”
Rabbi Shlomo Yarchi:”Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.”

As time went on Marduk was went by many names remember he had 50 names to go by.
And is that not deceitful?
The Babylonian Talmud a book that is used in regards to Zionists and laws tells them to be deceitful and to lie to outsiders.
“To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if they knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly." - Libbre David 37.”
"If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death." Libbre David 37.
Replace the word Jew with the word Zionist because that is what the Zionists are they are parasitical beings posing as Jews.
Notice the photo above shows the deity known as Moloch/Bel/bal is portrayed as a Bull figure this is in honor of the solo calf Marduk who has 50 names including bel and Moloch Babies where often sacrificed to Marduk.
Some other names that he was known by are
Malakbel, god of the sunHuitzilopochtli, Aztec god of the sun and warTonatiuh, Aztec god of the sun and ruler of the heavensMug Ruith, Irish deity sometimes regarded as a sun or storm god
Amun, Egyptian creator deity sometimes identified as a sun godRa, Egyptian god of the sun
I encourage you to research Solar deity's and understand their names and the regions they are from so that you can see for your self what sort of destruction Marduk has caused under those names.

The information was released under a,
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike licensPublished by Nicole Brisch, titled 'Marduk (god)' Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses, Oracc and the UK Higher Education Academy, 2013 and published on the website {] Of which Reverend.dr robert fraize built upon

Cult Place(s)Marduk's main cult place was the city of babylon, which became the religious center of Mesopotamia during the second and first millennia BCE (see various contributions in Cancik-Kirschbaum et al 2011). Marduk's main temples were located in Babylon itself: the most famous was the ziggurat Etemenanki ("Temple (that is) the foundation of Heavens and Earth"), his temple tower in Babylon, which served as a model for the Biblical "Tower of Babel." The temple where Marduk was worshipped was called the Esagil (literally: "Temple whose top is raised," or perhaps better "Proud/Honoured Temple"). In addition, there was the akītu-house at Babylon, where the New Year's festival was celebrated. The akītu-house was located just outside the sacred district of Babylon (Pongratz-Leisten 1994). A ritual text dating to the Parthian period describes how Enūma eliš was recited in front of Marduk's statue during the New Year's festival, which also involved a ritual slapping of the king (Black 1981Smith 1982Kuhrt 1987; see also BRM 4, 7TCL 0, 39TCL 6, 40).
In modern times numerous cults exist you have the exclusive clubs like the free masons and low level cults who are often seen on the news sacrificing baby’s and goats.
These cults are confused or purposely portrayed by the Zionist media as Satanic cults.
Marduk is a solar deity he is the god of Abraham. Any one who has read the bible and other religious texts knows that Abraham has a priest in Babylon and that Marduk was the god of Babylon
Marduk was also worshipped in other Babylonian cities, such as
Sippar, Borsippa, and Nippur(George 1993). His cult in Assyria was only minor (Sommerfeld 1987-90: 367).

Today Zionist Marduk cults still exist but practice underground and away from the public eye disguised as medical doctors and various forms of public officials.
A modern form of Marduk child sacrifice is done through Abortion.
This happens After the baby, is killed and sucked out of the mothers womb the Parts of the baby, and its blood are taken away to be used in Zionist Bel type of rituals as a form of blood atonement a.k.a blood libel.

Marduk worshipers also use war as a form of human sacrifice.
The soldiers of war are used as blood offerings to Marduk in exchange for power and wealth to the world elite. The world Elite are not the Illuminati. We are taught and fed this lie that these sick people who control the world are worshiping Lucifer or Satan.
But this is untrue The fact is the bible and all of the holy books of Abraham, including but not limited to the Quran, the holy bible, and the torah are all just corruptions of Ancient Mesopotamian mythology and spiritual practices.
Abraham is the father of Zionism and his god the deity who created mankind to be slaves is in reality the “evil” one. If you need evidence just look at what the religions or should I say cults of Marduk have done to this world in the name of Abraham’s god.
War is one form of human sacrifice that the Zionists use to honor their blood thirsty war god.
It is the blood of the poor that is offered onto Marduk in exchange for power and wealth.
War is always one big money maker for the Zionists because they have all put lots of money into weapons of war. These weapons kill our sons and daughters as they are sacrificed for the greedy Worshipers of Marduk.

This photo shows Jews performing a ritual to extract a Christian child's blood. These prints were popular in Germany and the Netherlands in the 15th Century." Source: Jerusalem Post.
Here are few excerpts from articles about the author and his controversial book:
An Israeli historian of Italian origin has revived "blood libel" in an historical study set to hit Italian bookstores on Thursday. Ariel Toaff ... claims that there is some historic truth in the accusation that for centuries provided incentives for pogroms against Jews throughout Europe.

Toaff's tome,
Bloody Passovers: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders, received high praise from another Italian Jewish historian, Sergio Luzzatto, in an article in the Corriere della Serra daily entitled "Those Bloody Passovers."

Luzzatto describes Toaff's work as a "magnificent book of history...Toaff holds that from 1100 to about 1500...several crucifixions of Christian children really happened, bringing about retaliations against entire Jewish communities - punitive massacres of men, women, children. Neither in Trent in 1475 nor in other areas of Europe in the late Middle Ages were Jews always innocent victims."

"A minority of fundamentalist Ashkenazis...carried out human sacrifices," Luzzatto continued.

I Must make a correction when these authors used the words Jew or Jews they did so not knowing that the Jewish religion has been taken over by Zionist pigs.

The history of blood libel is very controversial but it has been proven that some Zionist cults do engage in this sort of behavior. In the Talmud it does say that a Jew is not permitted to kill a human being. The problem is that Jews are taught that all non Jews are not Human.

Picture Postcard widely circulated in Poland showing ritual
murder of Agnes Hruza, age 19. Jew named Hilsner was found
guilty of this crime. (Date 1899, Story in Chapter 10).

"Soul had they none, nor lineage;
"Nor wit, nor headmen,
"Nor crafts, nor letters,
"Nor e'en a glimpse of God."
- British Edda.
"In order to destroy the prestige of heroism for political crime, we shall send it for trial in the category of thieving, murder, and every abominable and filthy crime. Public opinion will then confuse in its conception this category of crime with the disgrace attaching to every other and will brand it with the same contempt."
Protocol 19 of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
"If I am killing a rat with a stick and have him in a corner, I am not indignant if he tries to bite me and squeals and gibbers with rage. My job is, not to get angry, but to keep cool, to attend to my footwork and to keep on hitting him where it will do the most good."
- A. S. Leese, speaking at Reception, 17th Feb., 1937, on his return from prison.

enflaming themselves with idols under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys under the clifts of the rocks" (lvii, 5). There are many other Old Testament references to the practice of sacrificing children to Moloch.
Says the Rev. J. Kitto in the Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature 1895, "their altars smoked with human
blood from the time of Abraham to the fall of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel."


john Foxe's Arts and Monuments of the Church records this ritual murder, as did the Bollandists and other historians. The Prior, William Turbe, who afterwards became Bishop of Norwich, was the leading light in insisting that the crime was one of Jewish Ritual Murder; in the Dictionary of National Biography (edited by a Jew!) it is made clear that his career, quite apart from this Ritual Murder case, is that of a man of great strength of character and moral courage.
1160- Gloucester. The body of a child named Harold was found in the river with the usual wounds of crucifixion. Sometimes wrongly dated 1168. Recorded in Monumenta Germania Historica, Vol. VI (Erfurt Annals); Polychronicon, R. Higdon; Chronicles, R. Grafton, p. 46.
1181- Bury St. Edmunds. A child called Robert was sacrificed at Passover. The child was buried in the church and its presence there was supposed to cause 'miracles.' Authority: Rohrbacher, from the Chronicle of Gervase of Canterbury.
1192- Winchester. A boy crucified. Mentioned in Jewish Encyclopedia as being a false charge. Details lacking.
1232- Winchester. Boy crucified. Details lacking. Mentioned in Hyamson's History of the Jews in England; also in Annals of Winchester; and conclusively in the Close Roll 16, Henry III, membrane 8, 26.6. 1232.
1235- Norwich. In this case, the Jews stole a child and hid him with a view to crucifying him. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates of date 1847, says of this case, "They (the Jews) circumcise and attempt to crucify a child at Norwich; the offenders are condemned in a fine of 20,000 marks." Further authority Huillard Breolles Grande Chronique, III, 86. Also Close Roll, 19 Henry III, m 23.
1244- London. A child's body found unburied in the cemetery of St. Benedict, with ritual cuts. Buried with great pomp in St. Paul's. Authority: Social England, Vol. I, p. 407, edited by H. D. Traill.
1255- Lincoln. A boy called Hugh was kidnapped by the Jews and crucified and tortured in hatred of Jesus Christ. The boy's mother found the body in a well on the premises of a Jew called Joppin or Copinus. This Jew, promised by the judge his life if he confessed, did so, and 91 Jews were arrested; eventually 18 were hanged for the crime. King Henry III himself personally ordered the juridical investigation of the case five weeks after the discovery of the body, and refused to allow mercy to be shown to the Jew Copinus, who was executed.
Hugh was locally beatified, and his tomb may still be seen in Lincoln Cathedral, but the Jewish Money Power has evidently been at work, for between 1910 and 1930, a notice was fixed above the shrine as follows:
"The body of Hugh was given burial in the Cathedral and treated as that of a martyr. When the Minster was repaved, the skeleton of a small child was found beneath the present tombstone. There are many incidents in the story which tend to throw doubt upon it, and the existence of similar stories in England and elsewhere points to their origin in the fanatical hatred of the Jews of the Middle Ages and the common superstition, now wholly discredited, that ritual murder was a factor of Jewish Paschal Rites. Attempts were made as early as the 13th century by the Church to protect the Jews against the hatred of the populace and against this particular accusation."

WELL AUTHENTICATED CASES IN EARLY AND MEDIEVAL TIMES 1171 TO 1510 The following abbreviations are used in this Chapter among the references to authorities:
Magd. Cent. for Magdeburg Centuries, a Protestant History of the Christian Church compiled at Magdeburg, sixteenth century.
Chron. Hirsaug. for Chronicon Hirsaugiense, a history produced by Abbot J. Trithemius, 1514.
Cosm. Munst. for Sebastian Munster's Cosmographia Universalis, 1544.
Spec. Viva. for Vincent of Beauvais's Speculum Historiale, of 13th century.
1171 Blois, France. At Passover, a Christian child was crucified, his body drained of blood and thrown into the river. A number of Jews were executed. Authority: Monumenta Germania Historica, VI, 520; Magd Cent., 12, C. 14 and 13, C. 14.
1179. Pontoise. The authorities for this case are the Bollandists (Acta, Vol. III, March, 591); Madg. Cent., 23, c. 14; Spec. Vinc, 129, C. 25; and Cosm. Munst., 23, C. 14. A boy named Richard was tortured, crucified and bled white. Philip Augustus's chaplains and historians, Rigord and Guillaume l'Armoricain, attested this case. The body of the boy was taken to the Church of the Holy Innocents in Paris and he was canonised as St. Richard.
Under date 1080, Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 1847, p. 282, says: "Thinking to invoke the divine mercy, at a solemnisation of the Passover, they (the Jews) sacrifice a youth, the son of a rich tradesman at Paris, for which all the criminals are executed and all Jews banished France."
1192. Braisne. Philip Augustus attended to this case personally, and had the criminals burnt. It was a case of the crucifixion of a Christian sold to the Jews by Agnes, Countess of Dreux, who considered him guilty of homicide and theft. Authority: Histoire des Ducs et Comtes de Champagne, IV, 1st part, p. 72, Paris, 1865) by A. de Jubainville; Sped. Vinc., 129, c. 25; Gaguin. L. 6, De Francis; Magd. Cenf., 12, C. 14, col. 1670.
1235. Fulda, Hesse-Nassau. Five children murdered; Jews confessed under torture, but said the blood was wanted for healing purposes. Frederick II exonerated the Jews from suspicion, but the Crusaders had already dealt with a number by putting them to death. Frederick II called together a number of converted Jews, who denied the existence of Jewish ritual murder. But Frederick's bias is evident in his own words when, in publishing his decision, he gives his objects in calling these people together, "although our conscience regarded the innocence of the aforesaid Jews adequately proved on the ground of several writings." Had Frederick II lived today, he would have relied little upon religious literature in deciding whether Jewish Ritual Murder exists or not. Authority: Chron. Hirsaug., and Magd. Cent., 13, C. 24.
1247. Valreas, France. Just before Easter, a two-year-old girl's body was found in the town moat with wounds on forehead, hands and feet. Jews confessed under torture that they wanted the blood of the child, but did not say that it was for ceremonial purposes. Pope Innocent IV said that three of the Jews were executed without confessing, but the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, p. 261, says they confessed.
1250. Saragossa. A boy crucified, afterwards canonised as St. Dominiculus. Pius VII, 24th Nov., 1805, confirmed a decree of the Congregation of Rites of 31st August, according this canonisation.
1261. Pforzheim, Baden. An old woman sold a seven-year-old girl to the Jews, who bled her, strangled her and threw the body into the river. The old woman was convicted on the evidence of her own daughter. A number of Jews were condemned to death, two committing suicide. Authorities: Bollandists, Acta, Vol. II, p. 838; Rohrbacher, L' Histoire Universelle de l'Eglise Catholique, Vol. XVIII, pp. 697-700; Thos. Cantipranus, De ratione vitae Vol. II, xxix. The child was canonised as a saint.
1287. Berne. Rudolf, a boy, was murdered at Passover in the house of a rich Jew called Matler. Jews confessed that he had been crucified; many were put to death. The boy was canonised as a martyr, and his name can be found in several martyrologies. Documental authorities: Bollandists, Acta, Vol. II, April; Helvetia sancta (H. Murer); Karl Howald, Die Brunnen zu Bern, 1848, p. 250; Cosm. Aims., 13, p. 482. But a stone monument still exists in Berne commemorating the crime. It is called The Fountain of the Child-Devourer, and is now on the Kornhausplatz. It represents a monster, with a Jewish countenance, eating a child. The figure wears the Judenbut, the hat prescribed for the Jews to wear by decree of the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. This monument was first placed in a street of the Jews' quarter as a reminder of the monstrous crime and as a punishment for the whole of Berne Jewry. Later, it was removed to its present situation.
1288. Troyes, France. Some Jews were tried for a ritual murder and 13 were executed by burning. Authority: Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906, Vol. XII, p. 267.
1286. Oberwesel, on the Rhine. A boy named Werner was tortured for three days at Passover, hanged by the legs and bled white. The body was found in the river. This boy was beatified in the diocese of Treves, and his anniversary is on 19th April. A sculptured representation of this ritual murder is still to be seen in the Oberwesel Church. Authorities: Aventinus, Annals of Bavaria, 1591, 17, p. 576; Chron. Hirsaug., Magd. Cent., 13, c. 14.
1462. Rinn, Innsbruck. A boy called Andreas Oxner was bought by the Jews and sacrificed for his blood on a stone in the forest. The body was found by his mother in a birch-tree. No Jew was apprehended because, the border being near, they had fled when the crime was made known. The Abbe Vacandard, defender of the Jews, says there was no trial. Well, of course there wasn't. Even in 1937 there is no trial for a crime where the criminals have escaped! The boy has been sanctified by Pope Benedict XIV in his Bull Beatus Andreas, Venice, 1778, which says he was " cruelly assassinated by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ." This last is admitted by Pope Clement XIV, who wrote his report on the investigation he made into the matter of Jewish Ritual Murder when, as Cardinal Ganganelli, he had been commissioned by Pope Benedict XIV to go into the matter; and in this report, he says "I admit the truth of another fact, which happened in the year 1462 in the village of Rinn, in the Diocese of Brixen, in the person of the Blessed Andreas, a boy barbarously murdered by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ." No one questions the historical occurrence or this case. An engraving on wood representing the Ritual Murder still exists in the church.
1468. Sepulveda, Segovia, Spain. The Jews sacrificed a Christian child on a cross. The Bishop of Segovia investigated the crime, and ordered the culprits to Segovia, where they were executed. It is important to know that this Bishop was himself son of a converted Jew; Jean d'Avila was his name. Colmenares's History of Segovia records the facts of the case, which was juridically decided by a man of Jewish blood. That may be the reason that one finds no mention of it in Strack's book in defence of the Jews, The Jew and Human Sacrifice.
1475. The Case of St. Simon of Trent. In 1475, a three-year-old boy named Simon disappeared in the Italian town of Trent; the circumstances were such that suspicion fell upon the Jews. Hoping to averr this suspicion, they themselves "found" the child's body in a conduit where they afterwards confessed to having thrown it. Examination of the body, however, revealed that the boy had not been drowned; there were strange wounds on the body, of circumcision and crucifixion. About seven Jews were arrested; they were tortured and confessed that the boy had been ritually murdered for the purpose of obtaining Christian blood to mix with the ceremonial unleavened bread; these confessions were made separately and agreed in all essential details. The Jews were tried and were ultimately executed. The officer in charge of the investigation of the crime, Jean de Salis de Brescia, had before him a converted Jew, Jean de Feltro, who described how his father told him that Jews of his town, Lanzhat, had killed a child at Passover to get the blood of which they partook in wine and cakes.

490. Toledo. This is a most important case, the circumstances of which have been clarified for us by W. T. Walsh in his interesting book on Isabella of Spain, 1931 (Sheed & Ward), in which he devotes pp. 441 to 468 to his researches on this Ritual Murder charge. Had it not been for Mr. Walsh, I might have been influenced by the Jewish Encyclopedia's statement (1903, Vol. II1, p. 262) that "Modern historians even deny that a child had disappeared at all" in this case! Strenuous efforts were made by Loeb and H. C. Lea to clear the Jews from guilt of this murder; as also by Abbe Vacandard. Walsh shows that on 17th October, 1490, a Jew named Yuce confessed to having been present at the crucifixion of a boy called Christopher at La Guardian near Toledo. He made this confession without the "aid" of any torture; he was not even threatened with that for one year after his confession. On 19th July, 1491, Yuce was promised immunity from punishment for himself and described the whole crucifixion and gave the names of his accomplices. On 25th October, 1491, a jury of seven noted Renaissance scholars who occupied the Chairs at Salamanca University examined the case and were unanimous in finding Yuce guilty. Not until after this did Yuce undergo torture. This torture was applied to make him say for what reason the boy Christopher had been crucified instead of being killed in any other way; but no "leading" questions were employed in the examination. After this, the case went before a second jury of five learned men of Avila, who considered the evidence concerning Yuce's accomplices, who had been arrested and under examination; they unanimously declared them guilty. Eight Jews (some of them Marranos. or pretended converts to Christianity) were executed.
Writing of the efforts made to discredit the trials in this case, Walsh says (p. 464): "Must we assume that they (the two learned juries) were all murderous fanatics, willing to sacrifice innocent men, and that Dr. Leob, Dr. Lea, and on the Catholic side the somewhat too credulous Abbe Vacandard were better qualified to weigh the evidence after the lapse of four centuries?"
Walsh is not an "anti-semite." He is a historian, and has not suggested that ritual murder is part or any official Jewish ceremony. But he says: "The historian, far from being obliged to make wholesale vindication of all Jews accused of murder, is free, in fact, bound to consider each individual case upon its merits."
Walsh states (p. 441) that this case of Ritual Murder was "one of the chief factors, if not the decisive one, in the decision of Fernando and Isabel" (for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain). He shows that the complete record of testimony in the trial of one of the accused has been available since it was published in 1887 in the Bulletin of the Royal Academy at Madrid (Vol. XI, pp. 7-160), from the original manuscript. (This was, of course, before the Red revolution!)
Walsh charges Lea, the pro-Jewish author, of intellectual dishonesty (p. 628) in writing in his Inquisition in Spain decrying the influential men who were jurors in this case.
"If the Inquisitors sent eight men to a shameful death without being convinced beyond a reasonable doubt of their guilt, the honest verdict of history cannot shrink from finding not only Torquemada and his judges, but King Fernando and Queen Isabel, Cardinal Mendoza and several of the most illustrious professors of Salamanca University guilty of complicity in one of the most brutal judicial murders on record?" (Walsh, p. 442.)
Those who shrink from charging the Jews with the practice of Ritual Murder thereby condemn some of the finest characters on the stage of European history.
Finally, we must record that the murdered boy was canonised as St. Christopher on the authority of Pope Pius VII.
1494. Tyrnau, Hungary. A boy was bled white and killed. The Jew culprits were betrayed by the confession of women, who were persuaded to do so by the sight of some instruments of torture, which however were not applied to them. The Jews, arrested after this confession, themselves confessed that this was the fourth child they had killed for the blood, but they said they wanted this for medical purposes. Authority: Bollandists, Acta, April, Veil. II, 838.
1510. Brandenberg. Several Jews were accused in Berlin of buying a small Christian boy, bleeding him and killing him. They confessed, and 41 were executed Authorities: Richard Mun, Die Juden in Berlin; Sir Richard Burton, The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, 1898, p. 126.

1603. Verona. A Jew was tried on a charge of killing a child to get its blood for an infamous purpose. He was acquitted. The sentence of acquittal, dated 28th February, 1603, given in full in the Jew Roth's The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (p. 78), released the accused "because the Hebraic witch abhors the shedding of blood" and "various Princes held this rumour of the use of blood to be vain and false?" We hold that such absurd reasoning as all excuse for acquittal is clear proof that the Court was bought.
1670. Met. As this was a very strongly established case, one does not find any mention of it in Strack's book in defence of the Jews! A three-year-old boy was lost by his mother on the way to a well. The boy was wearing a red cap, and witnesses had seen him carried away by a Jew mounted on a horse. This Jew was Raphael Levi. At first, the boy's body could not be traced. The Jews, becoming frightened, spread the report that wolves must have killed him in the forest. The forest was searched and eventually the head, neck and ribs of a boy were found, together with clothes which were identified as the missing boy's, red cap and all, by the boy's father. But as these clothes were neither torn nor bloody, it was concluded that the wolf story was a "blind," and then witnesses came forward who had seen Raphael Levi with the boy in such places and at such times as to remove all doubt of his guilt. Levi was sentenced to death by the order of the Parliament of Metz, and was burned alive. Authority: La France Juive, by Drumont.
1698. Sandomir, Poland. Authority: The Jew Cecil Roth, in Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 24. The highest tribunal in the land, that of Lublin, condemned a Jew for Ritual Murder. the local court having exculpated him.
1748. Duniagrod, Poland. Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. Mentioned by Roth.
1753. Pavalochi, Poland. Jews condemned for Ritual Murder by Episcopal Court. Mentioned by Roth.
1753. Zhytomir, Poland. In this case, a three-year-old boy was murdered; Jews were tried by the Episcopal Court of Kiev and condemned to death. A painting supposed to commemorate this murder is even now visited by pilgrims to the Carthusian Monastery at Kalwarya near Cracow. Authority: The Jew Cecil Roth, in Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, p. 25.

1823. Velisch, Russia. On Easter Sunday, a 21 year old boy disappeared. His body was found in a marsh one week later; there were punctured wounds all over the body and the skin was scarified. There were wounds of circumcision; the feet were bloody and a bandage had been tied around the legs. The body had been undressed, washed, and again dressed. No blood was found near the body, which was drained of blood. Doctors gave evidence on oath that the child had been tortured to death. Some years later, five Jews were arrested together with three Russian women who had become Jewesses; these three women confessed that they had, one week before Passover in 1823, been made drunk by a Jewess who kept an inn and that the latter had bribed one of them to procure a boy. One of these converted Jewesses described how the boy had been forcibly circumcised by the Jews and rolled about in a barrel until his skin was scraped all over. The boy had been taken to the school where a number of Jews were assembled, laid in a trough, and all present had made stabs with a nail in his side and temples. When the boy died under this torture, his body was taken to a wood by two of the converted Jewesses; and the third woman took a bottle of the blood of the boy to the Jewess innkeeper aforesaid. Next day, the Rabbi's wife took the three women again to the school where the Jews were gathered; bottles were filled from the trough by means of a funnel, and the Rabbi dipped a nail into the blood and dropped a little onto a number of pieces of cloth, one piece of which was given to everyone present. The case went to the Imperial Council at St. Petersburg, all the lower courts which dealt with the case having found the Jews guilty. The Imperial Council reversed the verdict and, on 18th January, 1835, the three Russian Jewish convert women were sent to Siberia whilst all the Jews were acquitted of the crime! Authorities: Recorded in the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, p. 267; described in Der Sturmer, May, 1934.
1831. St. Petersburg. The daughter of a non-commissioned officer was the victim in this case. There were five judges, of whom four recognised the ritual character of the murder. The Jewish murderers were transported to Siberia. Monniot says the facts of this case are not contested.
1840. Rhodes. On the eve of Purim a small Greek boy was missed; he had been seen entering a house in the Jewish quarter; after that he was never seen again. It is interesting to note that the time of this event was the same as in the famous Damascus case, which see. Yusuf Pasha, Governor of the island, took depositions of witnesses and sent to Constantinople for instructions as to what to do next. Meanwhile, "at the instigation of the Greek clergy and the European consuls" (admits the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1905, Vol. X, p. 401) the Jewish quarter was blockaded and the leading Jews arrested. The Austrian Consul, however, supported the Jews, Austria being in need of loans from the Rothschilds. But "owing to the efforts of Count Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore" (to quote again from the Jewish Encyclopedia) "a firman was obtained from the Sultan which declared all accusations of ritual murder null and void." The Jews were released! Now Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore were all rich Jews. Cremieux and Montefiore figure in the Damascus case, which see. Count Camondo "exercised so great an influence over the sultans Abdal-alMajid and Abd-al-Aziz and over the Ottoman Grand Viziers and ministers that his name became proverbial. He was banker to the Ottoman Government...." (All this is from the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, Vol. III, p. 521) There cannot be a shadow of doubt that the proceedings in this case were stopped by the force of the Jewish Money Power, in spite of all the efforts of "the Greek clergy and the European consuls." Authorities: M. P. -N. Hamont in Egypt under Mehemet Ali, and the Jewish Encyclopedia as cited.
1840. The Damascus Case.
This case, now almost completely forgotten by Democracy, convulsed Europe for a considerable time owing to the agitation induced by the Jewish Money Power which left no stone unturned to misrepresent and vilify the individuals responsible for bringing the Jews to justice.
Achille Laurent, a Member of the Societe Orientale, brought together the full details of the trial of the culprits as reported in Arab newspapers at the time, and he published the whole facts of the case in Relation historique des Affaires de Syrie, 1840-1842 (Historic Account of Syrian Affairs, 1840-1842), which was produced in France as a Yellow Book in two volumes, in 1846.
The Jewish Festival of Purim fell on 15th February, 1840. Father Thomas, a Catholic monk disappeared in Damascus on 5th February. His servant went to look for him and disappeared also.
The French Consul, Comte Ratti-Menton, began to make enquiries, and got the Sherif Pasha to investigate. After a while seven Jews were arrested. They confessed, some after receiving chastisement with the bastinado, to having murdered Father Thomas for the sake of his blood. Four of them were promised pardon if they would speak the truth; these were Mousa Abou-el-Afieh, who became a Mahomedan, explaining that that was necessary before he could confess about the crimes of other Jews; Aslan Farkhi; Suliman, a barber; and Mourad el Fathal. They confessed very fully. Sixteen Jews were found to have been involved, and all were arrested.
Several of the Jews, including Mourad el Fathal, Mousa Abou-el-Afieh, Isaac Arari and Aaron Arari, described how the blood was required and collected from the cut throat of the victim to send to a Rabbi for use in preparing ceremonial bread (pains azymes).
The Grand Rabbi was brought before the Court of Investigation; his name was Yakub el Entabi. He was required to listen carefully to the examination of Mousa Abou-el-Afieh, and to the answers of that Jew, and to confirm or deny each statement made by Mousa. In this way, the Rabbi admitted that blood was required for the ceremonial bread. He also confessed to having received Father Thomas's blood.
According to the Turkish custom, the bastinado was freely applied to make the Jews speak. The Jewish Money Power has endeavored to make the world believe that it was only the torture which enforced confession from innocent men.
Unfortunately for the Jewish Money Power, one of the questions asked was about the place where the remains of Father Thomas had been disposed of; and the remains were found where the prisoners said they were -- that is, in a covered conduit. These remains were identified by European doctors as being those of Father Thomas.
Further, the wretches confessed to serving Father Thomas's servant in the same way, i.e., cutting his throat, collecting his blood, and disposing of the remains, this time in a latrine.
No amount of bastinado or torture could wring from an innocent man information as to the whereabouts of the remains of the victim of a murder.
We spare the reader the sickening details of the crime according to the confessions and admissions of the depraved Jewish murderers; long extracts from the trial's proceedings can be obtained in the following French book: Le Crime Ritual chez les Juifs, by A. Monniot, prefaced by the celebrated Edouard Drumont, 1914, from P. Tequi, 82 Rue Bonaparte, Paris, price 10 francs. This book shows that the confessions made by the culprits agreed in every detail, and that the questions they had to answer were not "leading questions".
Fourteen Jews were found guilty, and ten were condemned to death, two having died.
Our business is not to horrify; it is to expose the methods of Jewish intrigue and corruption which were used to conceal the guilt of the culprits in fear of the natural reaction of the Gentile to the facts if they became generally known.
As soon as the first reports of the case reached the West of Europe the Jewish Money Power rose like one man to try and cover the obvious tracks made by the obvious criminals. Money can, as we know only too well, accomplish wonders on a democracy as also on the Endings and policy of Eastern (and alas! often also Western) potentates.
It will perhaps be best to deal with each of these matters separately:
1. The Press Agitation
This was on the usual Jewish lines Ritual Murder was "a Gentile invention"; Comte Ratti-Menton, the French Consul, who had insisted on the investigation, was attacked from every angle; the Jews were being persecuted, and so on and so forth.
2. Agitation by Public Meetings.
For example, in London, the gullible democracy was induced to flock to a big meeting at the Mansion House in London, there to denounce the Blood Accusation of which they knew nothing at all, and to offer the Jews the sympathy of the British Nation! Paris, New York, Philadelphia and other towns followed suit!
3. Bribery of the Khedive of Egypt by Money.
The rich Jews, Moses Montefiore in England, Cremieux and Munck in France, went off hotfoot to the East. They applied to the Khedive of Egypt, whose regime included Damascus, for a revision of the sentence. He was offered and accepted a huge sum of money and released the condemned Jews.
Note the result. The Jews proclaimed everywhere that the Khedive had reversed the verdict! He had done nothing of the kind. There was no reversal and no re-trial. The words of the Khedive's firman which he issued to release the Jewish murderers give the whole thing away:
"From the account and demand of Messrs. Moses Montefiore and Cremieux, who came to us as delegates of all Europeans professing the religion of Moses, we have recognized that they desire the liberation and safety for the Jews who have been detained or who have taken flight in the case of the examination of the affair of Father Thomas, monk, missing in Damascus; he and his servant, Ibrahim.
"And as, because of their numerous population, it would not be convenient (convenable) to refuse their demand and request, we order that the Jew prisoners shall be released and that the fugitives be given safety for their return. And you will take all possible measures that none are badly treated and that they are left undisturbed everywhere. Such is our will. Mehemet Ali."
He released the Jews therefore because of the numbers of Jews in the population . . . and undoubtedly for cash received. He knew their guilt, and never denied it. Yet the Jewish Encyclopedia (1903, Vol. IV, p. 420) actually ventures to assert that the three rich Jews secured from the 'Khedive a "recognition of the innocence" of the condemned men. The Khedive's price for releasing them is stated to have been half a million piastres. A converted Rabbi, Chevalier P. L. B. Drach, wrote in his The Harmony between the Church and the Synagogue (1844, Paris, p. 79): "Money played a great role in this business."
4. Bribery of the Sultan.
Having won the first round with the Khedive, the Jew Montefiore went on to see the Sultan of Turkey, and secured from him a decree that the Blood Accusation was baseless and that the Jews henceforth were to be on the same footing in the Sultan's dominions as other non-Muslims. The price of this was a huge bribe from the House of Rothschild.
The Sultan Abd-ul-Mejid's firman said "that a thorough examination of the religious books of the Hebrews has demonstrated the absolute prohibition of the use of either human or animal blood in any of their religious rites. It follows from this defence that the charges against them and their religion are calumnies." This, as shown in Chapter III, is mere sophistry, but even in 1936 a Miss C. WI. Finn had the effrontery to bring forward the firman as "evidence" that the Blood Accusation is false; this was in a letter to the Jewish Chronicle, 2nd October, 1936.
The wording of the firman is quoted in the Jewish Encyclopaedia, Vol. I, p. 47 (1906).
On his way home, Montefiore tried to get an audience with the Pope, Gregory XVI, but Bras refused an audience.
5. Attempted Bribery of the French Consul.
Comte Ratti-Menton, the French Consul who had shown such determination in having the ritual murderers dealt with, and who was a most upright man, wrote to the Sherif Pasha on 22nd April to say that the Jews had, through the Austrian Consulate, offered him half a million piastres to have the evidence suppressed. Needless to say, when this honourable man was found incorruptible, the advocates of the Jews got busy as stated above to besmirch his reputation. Thiers, the French Foreign Secretary, replying to Jew-inspired attacks on the French Consul Ratti-Menton, stated in the Chamber of Deputies, 3rd June, 1840, "Let it be known to you, gentlemen, I repeat it, that in all the Chancellories the Israelites are in insistence for that affair and our Consul can lean only on the Minister of Foreign Affairs for France. A French agent who is in his right will always be protected against all influences, whatever they may be." M. Thiers also said that the Comte's superior officer, WI. Cochelet, Consul for Egypt, approved of his subordinate's action and that the English Consul was of the same mind.
6. Bribery of Austrian Diplomats.
Throughout the proceedings, the Austrian Consul supported the Jews against the charge of ritual murder. Here, from a Jewish source, is the reason, duly confessed: From The History of the Jews in Vienna, by the Jew, Max Grunwald, 1936 (Philadelphia), pp. 228-9:
"Following the policy of the House [of Rothschild] in other countries, where it obtained privileges for the Jews in return for loans --in Rome, the abolition of the Ghetto, and in England, Jewish emancipation-- Solomon [Rothschild] obtained from Metternich concessions to the Jews in legislation. It was he who influenced the Chancellor to take a favourable stand in the Damascus blood-accusation case of 1840."
There you have it; Rothschild's money power; the Austrian Chancellor, Metternich; the Austrian Consul at Damascus; the Consul's attitude towards the Ritual Murder charge. A continuous chain of Jewish corruption by Money.
7. Suppression of the Reports of the Trial.
We have already mentioned in the second paragraph of this description of the case the record of the trial published in Achille Laurent's book. This book cannot now be obtained anywhere. Gougenot des Mousseaux, however, had printed a very full account of the trial (taken from Laurent) in his work Le Juif, le Judaisme et la Judaisation des Peuples Chretiens, a work which earned for him the praise of Pope Pius IX who made him a Chevalier; and the writer has had a copy of this lent to him. But Gougenot des Mousseaux's book is now very rare, and the Chevalier himself died suddenly in mysterious circumstances nine hours after receiving a warning letter. Monniot, in a work; mentioned in the Bibliography (p. 56), has, however, made it easy for anyone who desires to read the details of the trial to do so.
But, the reader may ask, what about the official dossier of the affair? This naturally reposed in the archives of the French Foreign Office. But Desportes in his Mystere du Sang reported that under the Ministry of Cremieux (one of the Jews who went East to bribe the Khedive to release the ritual murderers of Damascus) it disappeared (in 1870)! As this report aroused comment, the Chancellerie made a declaration (5th May, 1892) that it was incorrect and that the dossier remained complete at the Ministry. However that may be, when Albert Monniot in 1913 desired to consult the documents themselves to assist him in writing his Le Crime Rituel chez les Juifs, he found that he was refused permission to peruse them. Whether they are still extant or not, therefore, we cannot tell; all we know is that the secrets of the Jew are well guarded. But not well enough, as I hope the reader will by now agree.
Sir Richard Burton. the great explorer and orientalist who was English Consul at Damascus 30 years after the Ritual Murder, studied the whole question of the Blood Accusation, and: eventually wrote The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam, of which I have the edition edited by NS. H. Wilkins and published by Hutchinson in 1898. This work contains a damning indictment of the Talmud, and a list of Jewish Ritual Murders, but Wilkins in his Preface (p. x) writes: "In the exercise of the discretion given to me, I have thought it better to hold over for the present the Appendix on the alleged rite of Human Sacrifice among the Sephardim and the murder of Padre Tomaso (Father Thomas); the only alternative was to publish it in a mutilated form."
Let us follow therefore (1) the Book, (2) the Appendix on Ritual Murder.
(1) The Book. This is easy. It is well nigh unobtainable.
(2) The Appendix on Ritual Murder. What happened to it? This is what happened to it.
See D. L. Alexander versus Manners Sutton, King's Bench Division, 27th March, 1911, reported in The Times the following day. Herein D. L. Alexander, a Jew and President of the Jewish Board of Deputies was able to show that he had obtained an assignment of the manuscript from the surviving executors of Sir Richard Burton. The executors had sold them to a bookseller, who, in turn, sold them to Manners Sutton; and he (Sutton), not knowing of any assignment, made arrangements for the publication of the Appendix. D. L. Alexander brought the action to stop this publication from taking place, claiming copyright and delivery to him of the manuscript. The Jew won his case.
It remains only to say that Father Thomas' s gravestone in the cemetery at Damascus bore (and presumably still bears) the inscription in Arabic and in Italian: "Here lie the remains of Father Thomas of Sardinia, Capuchin Missionary, assassinated by the Jews, 5th February, 1840."
1852 and 1853 Saratov. Two ritual murders are involved this time; one, a 10-year-old boy in December, 1852; the other, 11-year-old, in January, 1853. After a flood, both bodies were found on the bank of the Volga, pierced with many wounds. Eight years afterwards, two Jews, Schiffermann and Zourloff, were duly tried for these murders and convicted. They were sentenced to 28 years' labour in the mines, and they died during their imprisonment. This, being a juridically decided case, the sentence in which was passed for "killing two Christian boys and having made them endure marytrdom" by the Senate and submitted to the Russian Empire Council, is, of course, not mentioned in Strack's book! Authority: Monniot's Le Crime Rituel chez. les Juifs, 1914, P. 257.
1880. Smyrna. Many Jews were massacred after a missing child's body had been found on the beach covered with punctured wounds at Passover. Authority: Moniteur de Rome, 15th June, 1883.
1882. The Tisza Eszlar Case in Hungary
This is a nineteenth century case, where the prisoners had duly confessed, and where, after long drawn out proceedings, they were all acquitted as the result of the Organised Power of Jewish Money.
Esther Solymosi, 14 years old, disappeared on 1st April; the five-year-old son of the Jewish sexton told some women that his mother had enticed the girl into their house, whence she had been slipped by some Jews into the synagogue premises. This report came to the ears of Mrs. Solymosi, Esther's mother, who immediately reported to the police. An enquiry was set on foot, on 19th May, under Dr. Josef Bary, and it is largely from a book written 50 years later by Dr. Bary, who became President of the Supreme Court of Justice in Hungary, that the facts of the enquiry have come to light. This book is of over 600 pages, and is called A tiszaeszlari bunper (The Tisza Eszlar Murder Trial). These facts can also be checked from the diary of the Hungarian Minister for Justice of the period, Theodor Pauler, which diary had been kept in the Hungarian National Museum.
Another son of the Jewish sexton was Maurice Scharf, aged 14. He admitted that he had seen through the keyhole of the synagogue door that Esther had been murdered by certain Jews and bled white, her blood being collected in a vase. It was found by ocular view on the spot that the place where these events were said to have occurred was actually in sight to anyone looking through the keyhole. Witnesses also said they had heard cries from the synagogue on the day when the girl was first missing.
To test the veracity of the 14-year-old Maurice, the Judge told him that his tale could not be true as Esther was alive; the boy replied that "no one could be alive after being cut on the neck like that."
A number of Jews were arrested, and confessed that they had taken part in the ritual murder of Esther to get her blood for the Passover.
One would think that there would be little more to report.
But no! All Israel got to work with its Money Power, and the Press of every country in Europe was employed to throw calumny on the Hungarian Court and on Hungarian Justice. The Public Prosecutors were bribed and set to work to discredit the honourable Judge who presided over the Court. No stone was left unturned, no filthy corrupting action left untried, to defeat the course of justice; and the Jews won. Here are some of the minor methods by which the Jews with their money tried to confuse the issue:
By paying the debts of, or bribing the officials.
By offering Esther's mother a bribe to say that her daughter was alive and in a situation elsewhere. This was done by the Jew Reiszmann.
By trying to steal the Court records from the house of the Judge.
By altering the synagogue lock, so that it was no longer possible to see the place of the murder by looking through the keyhole.
By spreading reports that Esther had run away; or had been drowned. The Examining Judge caused the river to be dragged without result.
By arranging that a corpse should turn up and be "identified" as Esther's. On 18th June, a girl's body dressed in Esther's clothes, which were far too small for the purpose, was drawn out of the River Theiss by Jewish raftsmen. The mother denied that the corpse was Esther's although she recognised Esther's clothes. A committee of experts examined the body, and found that the hair and eyebrows had been shaved off, obviously to conceal identity. They also found that the body was that of a girl 18 years old (Esther was only 14) and that death was due not to drowning but to tuberculosis. It became so obvious that the body had been "found" for a purpose, that the Jewish raftsmen were interrogated; and they confessed that the corpse had been taken over by them from a Jew called Herschko, that it had been dressed in Esther's clothes, put in the river, and then "discovered" and landed.
It was found also that the body could not have been in the water over four days; that death could not have taken place more than 10 days previously. Esther had been missing for 78 days.
However, in spite of all this exposure of corruption, the Court found itself, as it were, an isolated unit in a hostile Europe; and the Jews were all acquitted!
Then it was found that on 21st July, 1883, Baron Bela Orczy, the Hungarian Minister, had visited Minister for Justice Pauler and had told him that Goldschmidt, the Budapest representative of Rothschild's, had demanded that the charges be withdrawn! At this time, debt-conversion was a serious matter for Hungary, and chiefly depended on the Rothschild Money Power. Later, Baton Orczy told Pauler that Goldschmidt actually demanded that the two Public Prosecutors who had made condemnation of the prisoners impossible should be decorated!
The sort of thing that had been "worked" against all the evidence may be explained by giving one example: In November, 1882, a new Committee of Experts was formed to make a further examination of the body found in the river five months before, and this committee declared that the findings of the former committee had no scientific basis, that the body was Esther's and that as the throat was not cut, it could not have been a case of ritual murder!
So ends a dismal tale of the foulest Jewish trickery to enable a few miserable degenerates to escape from well-merited punishment.
1891. Xanten, Prussia. A five-year-old boy called Hegmann was murdered, his threat cut and the body bloodless. "The Government did all in its power to suppress the rumour" of ritual murder (Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 645). The doctor who examined the body said (29th June) that: "The trace of blood appears as an after-bleeding." On 9th July, he retracted this and explained that his mistake was due to it being dark at the time of his examination! I think by this time the reader will guess what happened between 29th June and 9th July to his banking account. The Minister of Justice, de Schelling, was a Jew. The accused Jewish ritual slaughterer, who had been arrested, was acquitted.
1899. The Polna Case (Bohemia).
Agnes Hruza, 19 years of age, was murdered 29th March, 1899. On 1st April, her body was found in a wood with the head nearly severed from the body. In spite of this frightful wound, there was no blood about, although the body itself, of course, was almost bloodless.
A man called Peschak had seen a Jew Hilsner with two other Jews on the day of the murder on the spot where the body was found. Hilsner was arrested and tried; another witness testified that he had seen the prisoner very agitated on 29th March, coming from the spot where the body was found.
The Court, whilst recognizing that Hilsner must have had accomplices, found him guilty and condemned him to death. He then confessed, and implicated two other Jews, but later retracted these statements, as also his confession. The two men produced satisfactory alibis.
By the Power of Jewish Money and the agitation it was able to raise, a new trial was ordered. Meanwhile Dr. Baxa, attorney for the murdered girl's mother, had in a speech in the Bohemian Dict, 28th December, accused the Government of showing partiality to the Jews in the way they handled this case.
Then, another girl's body was found, too decomposed to show the cause of death; this was the body of Maria Klima) who had disappeared 17th July, 1898. Hilsner was charged with both murders when the case came on again in November. This time, a witness stated that at the time of the first murder, Hilsner had a ritual slaughterer's knife.
Dr. Baxa insisted that it was a case of Ritual Murder. The Court found the prisoner guilty, without however alleging ritual reasons, and the prisoner was sentenced to death on 14th November, 1900. However, the Emperor intervened, and the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.
The prisoner's counsel at this trial was Masaryk, later President of Czecho-Slovakia, this work seems to have stood him in good stead in after life!
Hilsner was released from prison by the Marxists in the rioting of 1918; he died a few years later.
THE best known of these is the Beiliss case at Kiev, 1911-13. It will be noticed that there are several cases also in Germany at the time when the Jews were the supreme power there previous to Hitler's success.
1900. Konitz, West Prussia. A 19-year-old youth, Ernst Winter, was murdered in March. His body had been dismembered and parts of it were found in different localities. The culprits were never discovered, but two Jewish agents were sentenced to imprisonment for false witness and for the subornation of witnesses during the inquiry! The postmortem examination was said to have shown death due to suffocation, but the county physician had previously pronounced death to have occurred from loss of blood. A large assembly of foreign Jews visited the town the night of the murder and left next day. This case aroused the country against the Jews, and its description occupied 2 pages of the Jewish Encyclopedia.
1911-13. Kiev, Russia. This is by far the most important proved ritual murder case of the 20th century and is generally known as the Beiliss Case.
In 1911, a 13-year-old boy's body was found at Kiev with curious wounds and drained of blood. A Jew named Beiliss was arrested on suspicion.
It was proved that the murder took place inside the premises of a Jewish brick factory to which only Jews had access. This factory contained a Jewish hospice with a secret synagogue attached.
After long-drawn-out preliminaries, Beiliss, who was proprietor of the factory, was tried; the jury found that there was no proof that he himself was the culprit, although half of them considered he was; the verdict therefore having to be unanimous, he was declared Not Guilty. But the jury agreed as to the cause of the boy's death; their verdict about this was as follows:
The boy "after being gagged, was wounded with a perforating instrument in the nape of the neck, temples and neck, which wounds severed the cerebral vein, the left temporal and jugular arteries, producing thus profuse hemorrhage; and afterwards, when Joutchinski (the boy's name) had lost about five glasses of blood. his body was pierced with the same instrument, lacerating thus the lungs, the liver, the right kidney and the heart, where the last wounds were inflicted, in all 47 wounds, causing acute suffering to the victim and the loss of practically all the blood of the body, and finally death."
Thus, although the murder could not be fixed upon any particular individual, its ritual character was quite certain, the boy being first bled and then killed.
There were many strange features about this trial, viz.:
(1) On 17th October, 1913, the presiding Judge had to warn the Jewish pressmen against persisting in reporting perverted renderings of the evidence, and said that if they continued in this practice, then would be refused permission to attend the Court.
(2) Two children, Genia and Valentine Tcheberiak, who were important witnesses against Beiliss, died suddenly shortly after his arrest. This was after they had eaten sweetmeats given to them by a degraded police agent called Krassowsky. They were examined by two Jewish doctors at the hospital and were certified to be suffering from dysentery the bacilli of that disease having been found in them according to the report.
Next, it was discovered that their mother had been offered (and had refused) a bribe of 40,000 roubles by a Jew lawyer to take upon herself the guilt for the murder of the stabbed boy Joutchinski.
Finally, the Jews actually suggested she had poisoned the two children, the Jews having characteristically forgotten for the moment those dysentery bacilli that had been reported to have been discovered!
(3) Several important witnesses gave expert opinion that the Jews use Christian blood to mix with the unleavened bread at certain feasts, and that Christian children are killed by Jews for the purpose.
One of these was Father Pranaitis, theologian and Hebraist, who considered that the evidence showed every sign of it being a Jewish ritual murder. Father Pranaitis said that the Zohar, the cabbalistic book of the Chassidim sect of Jews, described the ritual of murder, prescribing thirteen stabs in the right temple seven in the left one, which is exactly how the head of the murdered boy had been treated. Another expert witness was Professor Sikorski of Kiev University, a medical psychologist, who also regarded the case as one of Ritual Murder.
After the Jewish Bolshevik revolution, the Cheka shot the Judge, the Public Prosecutor and many of the witnesses, including Father Pranaitis, the medical expert Kozoratov, and Professor Sikorski. Professor Pawlow, who was a witness for the defense, became a leading scientist in Bolshevik Russia!
The ex-General Alexandre Netchvoldov of the Russian Imperial Army, tells us the rest in an article, "La Russie et les Juifs," in Le Front Unique, published at Oran, 1927, p. 59: Quoting Evrijskaja Tribuna of 24th August, 1922, he says "that at a visit of the Rabbi of Moscow to Lenin, the first word Lenin said to his visitor was to ask him it the Jews were satisfied with the Soviet tribunal which had annulled, the Beiliss verdict, saying that Joutchinksy had been killed by a Christian!"
Yes, Bolshevism is Jewish!
(4) A "British protest," published in The Times, dated 6th May, 1912, signed by the usual Archbishops and bishops, together with dukes (such as the late Duke of Norfolk who had been married to a Jewish woman), earls (such as Rosebery, married to a Rothschild), and people like the late Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, fulminated against the "revival" of the Ritual Murder charge; the "Blood Accusation" was described in this protest as "a relic of the days of witchcraft and black magic, a cruel and utterly baseless libel on Judaism."
Is it not amazing that where Jewish interests are concerned, Englishmen of standing will try to influence the course of justice by thus interfering before Beiliss had even been tried?
Beiliss died in America in 1934, and his funeral was made that of. Jewish national hero.
1928. Gladbeck, Germany. This occurred at the time of Purim; twenty-year-old lad called Helmuth Daube was found dead in front of his home, with his throat cut, his genital organs missing, whilst there were wounds on the hands and stabs in the abdomen. There was no blood about where the body was found and it was bloodless. Experts said in Court that the throat showed the Jewish ritual cut. The Jews set to work and eventually a young Gentile called Huszmann was accused of the murder, unnatural lust being alleged as a feature in the crime. The case was conducted against Huszmann by a Jew called Rosenbaum, and special police had been sent from Berlin to inquire about the circumstances; the President of the Police at Berlin was the Jew Bernhard Weiss. These special police did what they could to convince the Court that it was a "lust-murder," but Huszmann was acquitted. The Bochumer Abendblatt and Der Sturmer both gave their opinion that it was a Ritual Murder by Jews, and the latter paper was suppressed for a time, and its editor imprisoned.
1929. Manan, Germany. A five-year-old boy named Kessler disappeared on 17th March. The body was found in a wood, with throat cut from ear to ear superficially whilst there was a deep stab in the neck cutting the main vessels. The body was bloodless and there was no blood found near it. It was just before Passover, and the local Jewish butcher had suddenly disappeared. Dr. Burgel, the Court doctor, said it was a case of Ritual Murder. The Jew Money Power got to work to influence the authorities and public opinion. Before the official inquiry, the Public Prosecutor announced that it was not a case of Ritual Murder. The Judge decided the boy had met with an accidental stab from the branch of a tree or from an animal's horn, and the case was dropped. No one was ever arrested for the crime.
1932. Paderborn, Germany. Martha Kaspar was the Gentile servant in the household of a Jewish butcher named Meyer. This man had a son Kurt, and this Kurt had had sexual relations with the servant who became pregnant. She demanded that he should marry her, and the father and son promised that this should happen, but secretly decided to make away with the girl. On 18th March, near Purim, she disappeared. Two days later some human flesh was found on the road, and the Jewish Press began to spread the idea that there had been a "lust-murder." Investigation revealed blood on Kurt's clothes and in a hayloft of Meyer's, and both the Meyers were arrested. Dr. Frank, a Jewish lawyer, succeeded in getting the father certified as a lunatic and sent to an asylum, but he was soon freed and fled the country. The son, Kurt, said he had attempted to procure abortion, and that he had cut the girl's body up and distributed it in various places; a doctor told the Court that some litres of blood must have been taken. Later, Kurt said he had killed the girl in a fit of temper. The Court brought in a verdict of manslaughter, and sentenced Kurt Meyer to 15 years' imprisonment. The general newspapers did not report the case; Der Sturmer said it was Ritual Murder, and was suppressed for a time. These circumstances cause me to include this case among the "well-authenticated" ones.
It will be noted that the last three cases occurred at a time when the Jews were supreme in Germany just before the Hitler revolution, when it was easy to suppress all expression of opinion as to the true nature or the murders

Chapter two Zionism
In this chapter I will explain what Zionism is and how it controls the world and the human race.
The definition of Zionism as follows.
an international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel
Zionism is not limited to one region it is an international movement which seeks out to have a Jewish nation. This idea is no different from Hitlers view of a nation for Aryans. It is even discussed often that Hitler could had been Zionist agent and that the third rich was just a ploy.
Zionism really did start a lot earlier then we are taught it began with Abraham he is the father of Zionism.
Abraham used one of the main Zionist tools to control the masses this will be talked about later in the chapter.
The Zionists believe that they should have complete ownership of the world and they do.
Pop culture tells us that A group of people and blood lines rules the world and they are called the “Illuminati” this is half true. The Zionists will purposely deceive us but will show half truths to cause confusion and chaos.
The Illuminati as we know it is non existing fiction. However a true wicked group of people exist that are very similar to the fictional Illuminati and they are the Zionists.
The Zionists are the blood line of Marduk when Marduk mated with one of his creations they had off spring and these offspring where given kingship over the world.
Every King and every queen had came from this blood line. All important people come from this blood line including musicians actors business owners and the bankers are all related.
Each of these people have a job to make sure that their plans run smoothly.
It is the Zionists who run the media that have the most important job and that job is to dumb down society and plant the seed of deceit into the brains.
Race baiting is one of the main tools that is used in the media and this is important for the Zionists because if we as a human race could gather together we would over throw them.
The media is responsible for keeping the “races” separate this is done through the constant publishing of Abrahams false religions and news stories which show races in a false light.
We are all one race we are the human race skin tones are just part of our evolutionary change.
When we came out of Africa and went north our skin no longer needed protection and became lighter.
It was this tribe of settlers who established the northern continents.
We are people of various cultures but make no mistake we are all the same and the Zionists want us to forget who we are and where we can from.
Confusion and deceit is their number one tool it makes the kings job to rule the people much more easy when they are confused and think that they need guidance from a higher power.
The True Power is not Marduk it is Tiamat the creator with out her nothing would exist.
In one of the Zionists first publications The Enuma Elish they “demonized” the creator goddess into something she is not and they lied about her destruction.
What is not talked about often is the fact that the dragon Tiamat also has a blood line here on earth.
It is this blood line that is just as powerful but in less numbers that Are the adversary’s of the tyrant
slave master Marduk and his people.
Abraham has given Tiamat the name of the devil and Satan because she is the opposition and adversarial deity who opposes Marduk.
We are all taught that Satan is bad but Satan is not a name it is a title how can a title be “bad” it is subjective the word Satan is defined as accuser or adversary.

The new world order and the Illuminati as spoken about in pop culture do not exist I remind you again that groups very similar do exist and they are the Zionists. These tyrant pigs believe that they are to rule us all and that they can treat us as cattle. The blood line of Marduk sees you as nothing but property and a slave. Do you wish to be a Slave or do you wish to be free? Do not be afraid to speak out against these tyrants because those of us who do speak the truth are protected by the creator Tiamat.

Know who they are here is a list of Zionist politicians
The Israel/Zionist Lobby: A Partial List
    The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC): AIPAC is the most prominent governmental lobbying organization on behalf of Israel. Fortune Magazine typically rates it as the second most powerful lobby in the U.S. AIPAC frequently writes legislation for members of Congress, which extraordinarily large majorities of both parties typically endorse. It has a $100 million endowment and annual revenue of about $60 million and spends about $2-3 million each year in lobbying Congress. AIPAC’s annual conventions are typically a who’s who of high government office from both parties pledging their loyalty to Israel.
Pro-Israel Political Action Committees (PACs): AIPAC does not give campaign contributions itself but instead uses a campaign finance network consisting of around thirty Pro-Israel Political Action Committees (PACs), which AIPAC is constantly signaling. Only four of these PACs have names that indicate their true agenda, such as ‘Allies for Israel’ or ‘World Alliance for Israel.’ The rest have innocuous names like ‘National Action Committee’ or ‘Heartland PAC.’ Constituents usually don’t realize their candidates are receiving money from PACs that advance the interests of a foreign government. (More info below)
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CoP): This group of 51 Zionist organizations also advocates on behalf of Israel, including a focus on Iran. It had revenues of over $2.2 million in 2011. All members of the CoP sit on AIPAC’s executive committee. The Conference of Presidents focuses on lobbying the Executive branch while AIPAC concentrates on Congress.
The American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF): AIEF is a subsidiary of AIPAC that takes Congressional Representatives on all-expense-paid trips to Israel. In August 2011, 81 members of Congress from both parties took trips to Israel with the AIEF. Its annual budget is over $26 million, and its executive director, Richard Fishman, is officially “not compensated,” but he receives $395,000 annually from affiliates. Roll Call reports that in 2012 “The American Israel Education Foundation spent more than $650,000 last year — more than any other group — to send more than 60 lawmakers and staffers to Israel for tours of Jerusalem, seminars on Israeli politics and discussions of asymmetric warfare, according to congressional travel filings.”
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP): WINEP is a highly influential think tank that pushes Israel-centric Middle East policies. It was founded by a former AIPAC employee, and while it claims to promote a “balanced and realistic” understanding of the Middle East, it is “funded by individuals deeply committed to advancing Israel’s agenda.” It is frequently called upon by both the government and the media to provide “expert” analysis on Middle East issues. Its 2010 revenues were $9.4 million, and its net assets total $23.5 million. Former AIPAC member MJ Rosenberg stated: “I was working at AIPAC and it was Steve Rosen who cleverly came up with the idea for an AIPAC controlled think-tank that would put forth the AIPAC line but in a way that would disguise its connections.” More information is here.
Anti-Defamation League (ADL): The ADL bills itself as a civil rights institution devoted to stamping out anti-Semitism. But in practice, it regularly works to promote Israeli interests and attacks virtually any prominent person who criticized Israel and labels them “anti-Semitic.” It has also been involved in a large spying operation against American citizens who opposed the policies of Israel and the Apartheid regime in South Africa. It is an architect of “hate crimes legislation” that may effectively criminalize criticism of Israeli policies. The ADL is a member of the CoP with revenues of around $60 million and net assets of over $115 million. Abe Foxman, its national director, makes $688,280 per year.
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (aka Stand for Israel): Founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein “to promote understanding between Jews and Christians and build broad support for Israel,” it promotes advocacy for Israel among mostly right-wing Christians. It has annual revenues of nearly $100 million.
Christians United for Israel (CUFI): CUFI is a right-wing Evangelical Christian organization founded by John Hagee to advocate for American support for Israel based largely on Biblical prophecy. It has a nationwide membership of over one million advocates for Israel who can be called upon to flood their Congressmen with letters and phone calls at the slightest hint of legislation not approved by Israel. CUFI has high-level contacts within the Israeli government, including with the Prime Minister, who sometimes speaks at their events.
Simon Wiesenthal Center: According to its website: “The Simon Wiesenthal Center is a global Jewish human rights organization that confronts anti-Semitism, hate and terrorism, promotes human rights and dignity, stands with Israel, defends the safety of Jews worldwide, and teaches the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations.” It has “a constituency of over 400,000 households” in the US. It is headquartered in Los Angeles, with offices in New York, Toronto, Miami, Chicago, Paris, Buenos Aires, and Jerusalem.” In 2011 it had an annual budget of $24 million and net assets of $67 million.
The Israel Project: Founded in 2003, the Israel Project specializes in pro-Israel propaganda targeting the press and the American public. In 2009, a secret handbook commissioned by The Israel Project and written by Republican pollster and strategist Frank Luntz, “The Global Language Dictionary,” was exposed by two Newsweek reporters. The handbook crafts language and talking points for Israel advocates in simplistic, diversionary, and dishonest ways. The organization has 70 employees and an $11 million annual budget. In 2011 it opened additional bureaus in India and China and launched a website in Arabic.
Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces (FIDF): This American organization supports the Israeli armed forces. It hosts lavish fundraisers and has fourteen regional offices in the U.S. and one in Latin America. FIDF also brings hundreds of Israeli soldiersto the U.S. every year to lecture at synagogues, universities, and schools in order to increase American support for Israeli policies. It has annual revenues of around $60 million and net assets of $80 million.
Hadassah (Women’s Zionist Organization of America): Founded in 1912, Hadassah is “a volunteer organization that inspires a passion for and commitment to its partnership with the land and people of Israel.” It has chapters across the U.S. and “more than 330,000… Members, Associates and supporters.” It regularly advocates on behalf of Israel and is currently pushing anti-Iran legislation. It has annual revenues of nearly $100 million and $400 million in net assets.
America’s Voices in Israel (AVI): A project of the Conference of Presidents, AVI works to “strengthen American understanding of and support for Israel by inviting U.S.-based radio talk show hosts to see Israel and broadcast their programs live from Jerusalem.” It also brings celebrities and other “opinion makers” on guided tours of Israel.
The Jewish Agency for Israel: The name is often shortened to just “The Jewish Agency.” According to its website, founded in 1929, this links “Jews around the world with Israel as the focal point… ” Major activities include Jewish Zionist education and building a global Jewish community. “In addition to extensive programs in Israel, it operates in close to 80 countries on five continents through a network of over 450 emissaries, including hundreds of formal and informal educators. The world Jewish community participates in the Jewish Agency’s decision-making process through the Assembly, its supreme governing body, and its Board of Governors, which is responsible for policy making and oversight.” The Jewish Federations of North American are a fundraising partner, with individual Jewish Federations from numerous American cities listed.
  • James S. Tisch: Chairperson of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors. According to its website, Tisch is President and Chief Executive Officer of Loews Corporation, chairman of the Board of Directors of Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc., a member of the Board of Directors of CNA Financial Corporatio, a director on the board of the General Electric Company, Chairman of the Board of WNET, parent of WNET Channel 13 and WLIW Channel 21, a member of the Board of Directors of The New York Public Library, serves on the Executive Committee of the Partnership for New York City, a Trustee of the Mount Sinai Medical Center, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, President and Chairman Emeritus of Federation Employment and Guidance Service (F.E.G.S.), past Chairman of the Board of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, past Chairman of the Board of United Jewish Communities, past President of UJA-Federation of New York, and a former director on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
The Foundation for Jewish Camp: This nonprofit foundation states on its website that in in Jewish camps “Israeli culture is celebrated through song, food, art, and dance,” and reports, “The magic of Jewish camp is rooted in its 24/7 atmosphere” and says that “connection to Israel” is “entwined with basketball, arts and crafts and swimming.” It notes that some camps are particularly “focused on Zionism and the role of Israel in Jewish life.” It reports that in one of these, CAMP INC., “Israel education will be embedded in the program as campers learn about Israel through the lens of their entrepreneurial sector. Campers will learn from high-level mentors, teachers, and business pioneers. Camp Inc., under the direction of Josh Pierce, will be operated by the Boulder JCC.” Another, URJ 6 POINTS SCIENCE ACADEMY “will immerse them in a vibrant Jewish community filled with Jewish music, Shabbat experiences, and living connections to Israel.” It states that the Academy, the 14th in the Union for Reform Judaism’s camp system, will be located in the Boston, MA area. Funding comes from a grant of $8.6 million jointly funded by The Jim Joseph Foundation and the AVI CHAI Foundation.
The Jim Joseph Foundation: This is a DBA of the Shimon Ben Joseph Foundation, which reports has assets of $837,220,914. Its website reports that among the activities its sponsors is “Israel Education,” which includes “twinning day schools with schools in Israel; integrating Israel education with learning taking place in general studies courses; and showcasing Israel’s arts and culture so students and teachers are in direct contact with what is happening in Israel today.”
The Avi Chai Foundation: According to its 2010 form 990 report it had total assets of $614,997,808. One of its primary North American focuses, according to its website, is “Promoting Jewish Peoplehood and Israel.” It states: “Israel studies and Israel advocacy have become centerpieces of AVI CHAI’s peoplehood efforts in North America. All of the day schools receiving support from AVI CHAI have agreed to include in their materials, as an expression of their own philosophy, the following statement: “The creation of the State of Israel is one of the seminal events in Jewish history. Recognizing the significance of the State and its national institutions, we seek to instill in our students an attachment to the State of Israel and its people as well as a sense of responsibility for their welfare.”
Stand with Us: Stand with Us has headquarters in Los Angeles and chapters in Israel, Europe, Britain, Australia, and South Africa. Its annual budget is at least $4 million, though this may only cover the U.S. section. It has a number of divisions, including StandWithUsCampus, StandWithUs International, United4Freedom, Stand4Facts, LearnIsrael, Librarians for Fairness, and Emerson Fellows. Student leaders are trained to advocate for Israel on campuses around the country. The organization has erected numerous pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian billboards around the U.S. “Israelis invested $57 billion in U.S. Companies” is one of them. For a deconstruction of this billboard go here.
Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI): The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports:
Washington observers may feel there is no obvious shortage of pro-Israel lobbyists in the city—but a group of leading American conservatives thinks otherwise and has set up a new campaign group to attack President Obama over his ‘anti-Israel’ stance. The Emergency Committee for Israel presents a potent combination of Republican Party neoconservatives and Evangelical Christians. The new group’s board includes Weekly Standard Editor William Kristol and Gary Bauer, a former Republican presidential candidate who leads the group American Values, as well as Rachel Abrams, a conservative writer and activist.
The Committee produced an advertisement against Ron Paul that ran in South Carolina because of Paul’s opposition to U.S. aid to Israel and other countries. ECI is currently funding tens of thousands of dollars worth of anti-Obama advertising.
Leona M. and Harry B Helmsley Charitable Trust: The trust fund is valued at between $4 billion and $8 billion. Among the main areas its grants support are programs focused on “the security and development of Israel.” According to Jewish Week:
[Leona Helmsley] left instructions for her charitable trust fund… to benefit dogs. But the courts ruled that the Leona and Harry Helmsley Trust Fund she had established after her husband’s death was not legally bound to fund animals only, and that its grants should be directed solely at the discretion of the trustees she had appointed. Fortunately for the State of Israel, Mrs. Helmsley chose Sandor (Sandy) Frankel, 69, a local Jewish attorney who worked closely with her the last 18 years of her life, to be one of the four trustees who now oversee that major trust. Frankel, who is married to an Israeli and has visited Israel frequently since he was a teenager, is proud to say that he has a passion for the Jewish state.
Among the projects receiving its multi-million grants was a new press center in Israel. At its opening Frankel announced: “Our hope is that with the opening of the club’s doors, the press will flock here, and will accurately report” on the country and its people.
AMIT: According to its website: “Founded in 1925, AMIT is the world’s leading supporter of religious Zionist education and social services for Israel’s children and youth, nurturing and educating Israeli children to become productive, contributing members of society.” It has numerous chapters throughout the U.S. It sponsors lectures about Israel, holds screenings of Israeli films, participates in pro-Israel parades, etc. In 2011 its annual expenses were over $8 million and its net assets were $11,705,151. Its executive vice president was paid $120,292.
Aaron and Marie Blackman Foundation, Inc: Net assets of about $7 million (see also here and here). Distributes grants to various Israeli organizations and other organizations with relationships with Israel.
Jewish Day Schools: As Shalom School in Sacramento states, many of these schools work to “instill in our students an attachment to the state of Israel.” They frequently have school trips to Israel (e.g. the Jewish Day school in Seattle). Their mission statements note that they teach “the centrality of the State of Israel” (see Contra Costa Jewish Day School). These are usually tax exempt institutions, which means they are subsidized by U.S. taxpayers.
Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA): The Jewish Council for Public Affairs acts as an umbrella for many smaller organizations. One of its three goals, as announced in its mission statement, is to work for “the safety and security of the State of Israel.” Its annual funding is $3,128,795 and comes primarily from private individuals.
Jewish National Fund (JNF): The Jewish National Fund is an international organization founded at Basil Switzerland by Theodore Herzl in 1901. The fund was originally created with for the purpose of purchasing land in Palestine for a future Jewish state. Today the main focus for the JNF is land “reclamation” and forestry. However, the group also serves to fund IDF military installations. The organization is well funded by donors with total assets of $1.15 billion dollars.
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA): The Zionist Organization of America was established in 1887, making it the oldest pro-Israel organization in the US. Their goal is to spread the Zionist message wherever in all aspects of American life. Their objectives include spreading Zionism on American campuses, work to advance the interests Israel and Jewish people within the American legal system. They also engage in pro-Israel lobbying, with expenditures totaling$299,900 in 2009. Their finances include over $8 Million in assets and $2.5 million from donors.
American Jewish Committee (AJC): The American Jewish Committee, founded in 1906, is based is San Francisco. In its mission statement, the AJC espouses support for leftist values, such as “shared democratic values” and “energy independence of the US,” while also advocating the right of Israel to exist as an exclusionary Jewish state. Its annual income is about $49,525,000 and comes largely from private individuals, with its assets totaling$132,310,000.
World Jewish Congress: The World Jewish Congress is an international organization representing Jews in 100 countries. Supporting Israel is one of the key components of its mission. Although its global finances are unknown, its US offices have an annual revenue of $5,521,674.
Friends of Aish Hatorah: Aish Hatora, Hebrew for “fire of the Torah,” is an Orthodox Jewish organization founded in 1974 and headquartered in Jerusalem. The group is known for a number of pro-Israel programs, including The Theodore Herzl Mission, which brings heads of state to Israel for one week each year. They also have a program called the Hasbara Fellowship, where people can come from around the world to learn how to effectively engage in pro-Israel propaganda. The group has also been linked to the distribution of an anti-Islamic propaganda film during the 2008 American presidential campaign. Because Aish Hatora is based in Jerusalem with various global branches, the details of their funding are unknown.
Chabad: Chabad-Lubavitch is an 18th century Hasidic movement that is now the largest Jewish organization in the world. Although they are a religious group, their support of Israel verges on zealotry; one Chabad Rabbi has even encouraged Jewish people to kill “Arab men, women, and children.” Chabad sometimes openly teaches that “the soul of the Jew is different than the soul of the non-Jew.” The group is incredibly well funded and has a reported net worth of $1 billion dollars.
Republican Jewish Coalition: The Republican Jewish Coalition Jewish is a lobbying group whose mission statement includes the “embrace of pro-Israel foreign policy.” The RJC maintains close links to the Likud party of Israel. They also control a Super Pac, which has upward of 2 million dollars in their war chest. Their Annual revenue is $10,067,507. The vast majority of their funding comes from various organizations.
National Jewish Democratic Council: The National Jewish Democratic Council is a group dedicated to maximising Jewish support for the Democrat party, increasing support for “Jewish domestic and foreign policy priorities,” and “secur[ing] a democratic Jewish state in Israel.” NJDC supports Likud policies and pushes for a hawkish stance against Iran, urging the President of the United States to “stand with Israel.” Its annual income is $1,161,195 and is funded by private individuals.
Foundation for Defense of Democracies: The Foundation for Defense of Democracies is an international organization whose claimed goal is “fighting terrorism and promoting freedom” and “defend[ing] free nations from their enemies.” It developed from the educational initiative Emet, which was created to “win American sympathy for Israel’s response to the Palestinian intifada.” While its mission may appear neutral, the organization is dedicated to promoting the security of Israel. Among its other projects is the Iran Project, which revolves around “supporting energy sanctions.” It is funded largely by private individuals’ donations. Its annual income is$7,267,839. JINSA: JINSA is a non-profit organization whose mandate includes promoting a “a strong U.S. military, a robust national security policy, and a strong U.S. security relationship with Israel…” Their total revenue is $3,332,140 from contributions and program services.
Saban Center at Brookings: The Saban Center for Middle East Policy is part of the Brookings Institute. Its mission statement includes a two-state solution for Israel/ Palestine. “Ardent Zionist” Haim Saban, a former AIPAC official, funds the institute.
Center for Security Policy: Founded and led by neoconservative Frank Gaffney, a longtime Israel partisan, CSP works to promote a close US-Israel relationship and to position Israel’s enemies as allegedly US adversaries. It’s annual budget is approximately $4 million and Gaffney himself earns over $288,000 yearly. The Institute for Policy Studies states: “…(CSP) is a prominent member of the neoconservative advocacy community that has promoted extravagant weapons programs, an Israel-centric view of Middle East peace, and a broad “war on terror” against ‘Islamofascists.’……A primary target of CSP’s work is Iran.”
MEMRI: The Middle East Media Research Institute is an organization founded in the US in 1998. It’s stated objective is to “inform the debate over US foreign policy in the Middle East.” However, MEMRI is a shadowy organization that does not disclose names of staff members nor office locations. Analysts have commented that MEMRI appears to function as a propaganda organization that circulates biased translations in order to portray Arabs in the most negative possible light. One of the organization’s founders worked as an Israeli military intelligence officer. MEMRI has full non-profit status in the US and receives donations and grants amounting to $4,872,208 annually.
Hillel: Hillel is a Jewish international student organization. According to its web page, Hillel “fosters an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning and Israel.” Its president has stated: “We are a pro-Israel organization. It is part of our mission to encourage students to build an enduring commitment to Israel as a Jewish and democratic homeland.” Hillel sponsors and promotes free “birthright” trips to Israel. These trips position Israel as the “homeland” for European and American Jews. Hillel collects annual revenue of $25,920,017, primarily from gifts, grants, and contributions. Hillel has had a program to try to expand its reach by “paying students to attract other students” to Hillel.
In 2014 some students launched an Open Hillel to challenge the Hillel establishment and work to allow campus groups “to adopt policies that are more open and inclusive than Hillel International’s, and that allow for free discourse on all subjects within the Hillel community” and that represent “a Jewish community where the full diversity of Jewish views on Israel-Palestine is accepted and celebrated.”
Birthright Israel: Birthright Israel is an organization that provides free ten-day holidays to Israel for young Jewish adults, age 18 to 26. Their objective is to, “strengthen Jewish identities, Jewish community, and solidarity with Israel…” Their web page strongly emphasizes support for Israel.Philanthropists, along with 14,000 individual donors, fund Birthright Israel. Their total revenue is $101,960,863.
David Project: The David Project is a non-profit educational program for the dissemination of pro-Israel propaganda in schools. Their primary goal is justification for Israeli actions, which is often referred to in the Hebrew term, “hasbara” (explaining). Their objective is, “work[ing] directly with students and Israel groups to help them reach out to their peers and talk about Israel.” The David Project has annual income of $2,824,763. However, the source of this income is unclear.
Amcha Initiative: The Amcha Initiative is a group whose stated objective is to protect Jewish students from anti-Semitism. Their definition of anti-Semitism is broad and encompasses virtually any criticism of Israel, including criticism of Israel’s human rights abuses. The group also lists the Boycott Divest and Sanction movement as an example anti-Semitism. Their annual income is $199,155. The source of this income is unclear.
Young Israel: The National Council of Young Israel is a group of 146 Orthodox Jewish congregations. Starting in 1912, Young Israel’s web page claims that the group has always been “fiercely Zionist” and even boasts the acquisition of arms for the Jewish terror group Haganah. Young Israel currently offers material support to the Israeli Defense Force as it engages in attacks on Palestinians in Gaza. Because Young Israel is an umbrella for over 100 individual non-profit organizations, it is difficult to ascertain the amount and sources of the group’s income.
Ateret Cohanim: American Friends of Ateret Cohanim is a non-profit organization based in Jerusalem. The purpose of the organization is the urban renewal of Jerusalem through Jewish gentrification. Their web site boasts of a new Jewish presence in the Christian and Muslim quarters of the Old City, and proclaims Jerusalem to be a city belonging to every single Jew, in spite of the fact that Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem is still not recognized under international law. The group maintains an office in New York with annual revenue of $1,054,618.
Elad: The Ir David foundation (Amutat EL-AD) is a non-profit organization established in 1986 by David Be’eri, a former elite military commander of the IDF. According to their web page, the group “is dedicated to the preservation and development of the Biblical City of David and its environs.” However, the Ir David foundation is best known for its policy of “Judaization of east Jerusalem” through forced evictions and housing purchases. In recent years, their activity in East Jerusalem has been linked to violent clashes between Palestinians and the new Jewish residents. Ir David has a US auxiliary in New York called Friends of Ir David with total annual revenue of $5,884,950.
Israeli-American Council: According to the Jewish Daily Forward, the Israeli American Council (IAC) aims to establish the Israeli expatriate community living in the U.S. community “as a ‘strategic asset’ for Israel in the U.S.” The goal is to be a “a potent political force in the future.” IAC was established in Los Angeles in 2007, but expanded dramatically in 2013 when casino mogul Sheldon Adelson’s began to serve as its main funder. About 700 expatriate Israelis participated in the “first-ever national political conference exclusively devoted to the expat Israeli community” in Nov. 2014.
According to a 2013 report, IAC plans “to unite the nearly 800,000 Israeli-Americans who reside in communities across the United States. The IAC’s expansion plan includes opening a national headquarters and local chapters across the country… Programs will include cultural, educational, advocacy and social activities across age groups…
Current IAC programs include: Tzav 8 (recruiting thousands for pro-Israel rallies); Financing the Israeli “Shlichim” at all major campuses in Southern California; Organizing and funding the Los Angeles Independence Day Festival – the largest Jewish festival in North America, as well as dozens of ceremonies, holidays and mass events for the community; Sifriyat Pijama B’America, through which 10,000 families nationwide enjoy Hebrew bedtime books sent to their kids by mail, free of charge on a monthly basis; IAC-BINA club, consisting of approximately 1,500 Israeli and American Jewish young adults who convene discussions and activities relating to Jewish identity and support for Israel; establishing and funding the IAC-Care project in which thousands of the community members volunteer and organize large scale drives; and Mishelanu (the leadership program for Israeli-Americans students).
IAC activities are funded by its board of directors, its members, and donors within the Israeli-American and the Pro-Israel American communities, including Sheldon and Miri Adelson, Haim and Cheryl Saban, Beny and Adele Alagem, Leo and Ruth David and David Wiener. In addition, the organization receives support from several Jewish-American foundations in the U.S.”
More information is available on its website, including its board of directors. It reports that its annual budget is over $3 million. Oddly, no 990 reports can be found for it.
Israel-America Chamber of Commerce: The Israel-America Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Israel) is an organization of companies and individuals dedicated to the promotion of two-way trade and investment between Israel and the United States of America. The U.S. Ambassador to Israel serves as Honorary Chairman of the AmCham. Just one of its subsidiaries has a $100,000 annual budget.
Influential Pro-Israel Individuals
An example of such an individual is the current US Ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro, who gave a speech in which he detailed his extremely close, life-long ties to Israel, concluding: “[A]s a committed Jewish American, with deep roots in the American Jewish community and warm bonds of affection with Israel, I will have an opportunity to draw on those associations to help make the U.S.-Israel relationship, strong as it is, even stronger in the years ahead.” He stated that “ensuring Israel’s future” drives all US policies. See “US Ambassador: Support for Israel drives all US policies
Howard Berman, Democratic Congressman from California, acknowledged in a 2008 interview with the Forward, “Even before I was a Democrat, I was a Zionist.” He went on to explain that “an interest in the Jewish state” was one of the main reasons he first sought a seat on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, where he is the top Democrat. Berman, who is known as “the Congressman from Hollywood,” also told the Forward, “He is particularly keen on getting the House more involved in Iran-related issues.”
Martin Indyk, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel (he was naturalized as an American citizen before being nominated for this position); currently Special Envoy for Israeli Palestinian Negotiations. At one point he had his security clearance revoked, the only time this has happened to a U.S. ambassador. See video.
Haim Saban, multimedia mogul whose net worth is over $3 billion dollars, has said, “I’m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel.” In 2010, he told New Yorker magazine that his greatest concern is to protect Israel by strengthening the United States-Israel relationship. Saban has bluntly outlined his formula for gaining influence in American politics: make donations to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media outlets. He tried to buy Time and Newsweek magazines, and has made repeated bids for the Los Angeles Times because he considers the paper to be pro-Palestinian. He donated $9 million to Democrats in the 2002 election cycle alone.
Sheldon Adelson, a businessman and casino magnate, is worth over $28 billion dollars. He owns a number of resorts as well as the Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom, the most largely circulated paper in Israel. Adelson set a new record in political donations by giving $70 million (to Republicans) in the 2012 elections, nearly triple the previous highest amount. He also funds pro-Israel organizations such as Birthright Israel, which takes thousands of young Jewish Americans on recruiting visits to Israel.
Stuart Weitzman, shoe designer, donated $1 million to Maccabi USA. The Maccabiah is an Olympics-style competition held every four years in Israel.
Other individuals include:
Journalists (NYT’s Ethan Bronner’s son was in the Israeli army; more info on NY Times)
Pundits like Jeffrey Goldberg Kenneth Pollack, Daniel Pipes, Bill Kristol, Irving Moskowitz (more)
The Islamophobia Industry: Institutions and individuals who promote Islamophobia, including Aubrey and Joyce Chernick, Frank Gaffney, Pamela Geller (Park 51 “scandal”), David Horowitz, , Stephen Emerson, and others. (more)
Eric Weider, publisher of American History, Civil War Times, Military History, and eight other history magazines.
Hollywood tycoon Arnon Milchan, who produced Pretty Woman, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and Fight Club, worked for the Mossad.
There’s no card to carry that says one is part of the Israel lobby. But taken as a whole, this sampling of powerful pro-Israel organizations demonstrates how information is systematically skewed before it reaches the American public. Politicians and journalists are systematically harassed, often losing jobs, if they step out of line.
There is no comparable pressure from the Arab-American side, much less from stateless Palestinians, who have no army, little money, and very little cultural influence or PR savvy. By contrast to the $3 million given by pro-Israel PACs in 2010, the two Arab-American PACs—Arab American Leadership Council PAC and Arab American Political Action Committee—gave a total of $36,500.
The Israel lobby played a major role in the creation of Israel and continues to exert strong influence on US foreign policy, often in ways that harm American interests and security. It was a major factor in promoting the Iraq war, it continues to advocate for war with Iran, and it has played a central role in fostering Islamophobia in the United States.

* PACs: Usually a PAC can only donate $5,000 for a primary and $5,000 for general elections. But with thirty “unaffiliated” PACs marching in lockstep behind AIPAC, this can balloon up to $300,000 for any given candidate. The extent of this influence remains hidden from view. They also use “bundling,” which means taking various individual donations and handing them over en masse to a candidate, so that on the books it shows up as several individual donations, but everyone except the FEC understands who’s really controlling the money.
A 1996 book called Stealth PACs reports that “in 1988, Israel’s lobby had 78 PACs spending more than $5.5 million to bribe Congress to vote more aid for Israel. That was more than total contributions together of the two next largest special interests in the United States—the real estate lobby and the teamsters.”
During the 2010 elections, Israel-affiliated contributions were the third highest of any special interest at nearly $3 million (with almost equal amounts given to Democrats and Republicans). But because that number was broken into pieces and hidden behind unrelated names, pro-Israel contributions didn’t “officially” make the top twenty.
One example is Washington Pac, founded by Morris Amitay, former head of AIPAC. Its website states: “…over three million dollars has been carefully distributed on a bipartisan basis to Senators, Representatives, and candidates… Its Capitol Hill location enables the PAC to meet with Representatives and Senators on an almost daily basis. The Advisory Board holds regular luncheons with U.S. Senate candidates, and the PAC’s newsletter has earned an esteemed reputation for its analysis of the U.S. Senate races.”
Teva: Not all PACs with connections to Israel are included in the pro-Israel list. For example, the parents company of the Teva PAC Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, is Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, an Israeli company, the world’s largest generic drug maker. It has achieved its astronomical sales by at times infringing on patents (although Judge Sidney Stein just rejected a similar claim – Stein also rejected a freedom of speech law suit related to the Palestinian issue ). Teva’s website states, “Teva Government & Public Affairs seeks to provide legislators and policy makers with both policy and political assistance on issues of importance to patients, the company, its customers, and the pharmaceutical industry as a whole.

The above information in regards to pacs comes from a website called “If Americans only knew”

This is a short list of celebrities who have sold out to the Zionists and have pledged support to the Zionist State
Adam Sandler
Allan Houston
Amare Stoudemire
Amy Pascal
Anne Kopelson
Annette Bening
Arnon Milchan
Ari Emanuel
Arnold Kopelson
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arthur Cohn
Ashton Kutcher
Avi Arad
Avi Lerner
Ben Feingold
Ben Kingsley
Ben Stein
Ben Stiller
Bernie Mac
Bill Maher
Billy Crystal
Black Eyed Peas
Boaz Davidson
Bob Gale
Bob Hope
Branko Lustig
Brooke Shields
Bruce Ramer
Bruce Willis
Bryan Cranston
Carol Connors
Chazz Palminteri
Chris Noth
Clint Culpepper
Colin Callender
Cyntheia Pett-Dante
Dakota Fanning
Dan Akroyd
Danny Dimbort
Daniel Adam Sussman
Danny De Vito
Darren Star
David Cronenberg
David Lonner
David Matalon
Dennis Hopper
Dennis Miller
Deran Sarafian
Dick Donnor
Don Johnson
Don King
Donald Trump
Doug Liman
Dwight Howard
Ed Zwick
Elizabeth Taylor
Emmanual Nunez
Eric Braeden
Evan Sayet
Frank Price
Frank Sinatra
Gail Berman
Gary Barber
Gary Sinise
Gene Simmons
Glenn Beck
Gloria Carlin
Goldie Hawn
Haim Saban
Halle Berry
Harrison Ford
Howard Gordon
Hugh Jackman (?)
Howard Rosenman
Ivan Reitman
Irwin Winkler
Jack Carter
Jackie Mason
Jack Gilardi
James Woods
Jamie-Lynn Sigler
Jason Alexander
Jason Isaacs
Jeffrey Katzenberg
Jerry Seinfeld
Joel Surnow
John Lydon (Johnny Rotten)
John Malkovich
John Savage
Jon Avnet
Jon Liebman
Jon Voight
Jonathan Glickman
Jonathan Lipnicki
Joshua Malina
Julio Iglesias
K’s Choice
Kate Linder
Kathy Ireland
Keifer Sutherland
Kelly Kruger
Kelly Preston
Kid Rock
Kirk Douglas
Kobe Bryant
Kristin Chenowith
Larry Elder
Larry Gelbart
Larry Miller
Laura Ziskin
Lauren Shuler Donner
Lawerence Bender
Lenny Kravitz
Liev Schreiber
Lionel Chetwynd
Lisa Kudrow
Maria Conchita Alonso
Marc Platt
Mark Gochman
Matt DelPiano
Mayim Bialik
MC Hammer
Melissa Manchester
Meyer Gottlieb
Michael Chiklis
Michael Douglas
Michael Mann
Michael Welch
Millie Perkins
Naomi Watts
Natalie Portman
Nathalia Ramos
Nathan Kahane
Neal Moritz
Neil Sedaka
Nicole Kidman
Nina Jacobson
Norah Jones
Norm Crosby
Paula Abdul
Pat Sajak
Patricia Heaton
Phil Blazer
Randall Emmett
Regina Spektor
Rick Finkelstein
Rob Lowe
Robert Avrech
Robert Duvall
Robin Williams
Roger Birnbaum
Roger L Simon
Ron Meyer
Ron Silver
Rupert Murdoch
Sacha Baron Cohen
Sam Raimi
Sam Schwartz
Sandy Wernick
Sarah Jessica Parker
Scott Lambert
Scott Patterson
Serena Williams
Seth Rogen
Shaun Toub
Sherry Lansing
Sir Ridley Scott
Stephen Dorff
Steve Scheffer
Steve Tyler
Summer Redstone
Sylvester Stallone
Ted Nugent
Thomas Calabro
Tom Cruise
Toby McGuire
Tom Dressen
Tony Bennett
Tony Scott
Valerie Harper
Vivica A. Fox
Warren Beatty
Whitney Houston
William Friedkin
William Hurt
William Shatner
Zach Braff

The Zionist involvement of African Slaves

Jews owned, insured, and financed slave ships and outfitted them with chains and shackles for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. They were auctioneers, commission merchants, brokers, and wholesalers, keeping the slave economy oiled with money, markets, and supplies.
Christopher Columbus—whose Trans-Atlantic exploits initiated the brutal genocide of the Red man and forecasted the African Holocaust—was financed by wealthy Spanish Jews and is claimed by some scholars to be a Jew himself.
According to Jewish scholar Dr. Harold Brackman, during the 1600s “slave trading in Brazil became a ‘Jewish' mercantile specialty in much the same way it had been in early medieval Europe.” In fact, wrote Jewish scholar Jonathan Schorsch, “Jewish merchants routinely possessed enormous numbers of slaves temporarily before selling them off.” If a slave auction fell on a Jewish holiday it was postponed due to lack of buyers and sellers!

Jews were twice as likely to be slave owners as the average Southerner. Rabbi and historian Bertram Korn, the acknowledged expert on 19th-century Jews, wrote: “It would seem to be realistic to conclude that any Jew who could afford to own slaves and had need for their services would do so ... Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless Blacks.”
The very first Jewish communal settlement in the United States was a Florida sugar plantation supported entirely by the labor of dozens of enslaved Africans.

According to documents, when the earliest settlers in New York decided to enter the slave trade, they contacted “the jobbers and the Jews,” who were the recognized international dealers. The largest shipments of Africans arriving in New York in the first half of the 18th century were commissioned by Jewish merchants.
Jews owned slave pens where they warehoused Africans and sold them wholesale. They smuggled slaves to places where slavery was illegal, rented them when they did not want to buy, and bred African women for sexual purposes. Jews ran jails and imprisoned and punished Black slaves; they served as constables, sheriffs, detectives, and bounty hunters. Jewish peddlers traveling the countryside were known to search for and capture runaway slaves and bring them in for the bounty.
Many people do not know that it was the Zionists who in fact started the whole slave trade of Africans.
The Zionist media has done a great job at blaming “white” people for enslaving their dark skinned brothers and sisters.
This is one of the biggest tools of the Zionists it is called race baiting as I mentioned earlier in the book the Zionists need to keep us separated because they fear us our numbers out number theirs.

Chapter 3 the conclusion

In conclusion after reading the information that I have provided to you it is up to you to decide for your self if you wish to continue being one of Marduk's slaves.
Or will you be one of the people who makes a difference and shares the truth? Please share this book it is free because knowledge of this importance needs to be shared freely with out consequence.
I have provided you with the truth and the true name of the false god and slave master and his people it is up to you to share this knowledge and it will set you free.

The information was released under a,Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike licensPublished by Nicole Brisch, titled 'Marduk (god)' Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses, Oracc and the UK Higher Education Academy, 2013 and published on the website {] Of which Reverend.dr robert fraize built upon