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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Real Satanism

    From the desk of Reverend.Dr.Robert Fraize

   Real Satanism

                      Many people like to talk about real Satanism,but what is real Satanism?
                          To better understand Satanism,let us look at the definition itself.
The definition of Satanism is as follows (
the worship of Satan or the powers of evil.
a travesty of Christian rites in which Satan is worshiped.
diabolical or satanic disposition, behavior, or activity.
Origin of Satanism

1555-65; Satan + -ism)
I do not personally believe this to be a proper definition of Satanism because the word Satan simply means adversary.
Many groups exist claiming to be the one and true real version of Satanim,but any intelligent free thinking Satanist knows that any group, who claims to be the one true organization to represent Satanism must be full of shit.
Even the so called  Church of Satan misrepresent them selves as "real Satanism."
So what is real Satanism?
To better understand real Satanism allow me to explain what Satanism is not.
Satanism is not a philosophy,ideology or theology based on any sort of external dogma.
Satanism is not about following an external leader or master.
Why would a Satanist follow some man made system,and choose  be a slave to that system?
A sheep is a sheep it matters not if it is black or white.

Real Satanism is a path paved by the individual.
Satanism must be adversarial,because with out the adversity you lost the very essence of Satanism.
It matters not if you choose to recognize a deity or not.
what does matter is that you are strong and true to your self and your own desires and needs.
Real Satanism is not as club, that you can buy your way into or be initiated into.
Real Satanism is an individualistic life style.


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